The Hermanator

Foxmeister said:
Right now, that's a hard question to answer as nobody has declared they would run. Right now its several considering it. Rudy Gulliani announced last week he was considering a run. Whoever wants it bad enough needs to announce soon to start raising money.

Interesting. I hadn't heard that. I will say this - in my remarks about RINOs and never voting for one again, I do make an exception for Rudy. IF he had a hard line conservative VP (a la Herman, Sarah, et al), I really might vote for him. Reason being, he is incredibly strong on defense and terrorism and crime, and IMHO, that is what we need most right now. Fiscal conservatism, as well, certainly, but in the aftermath of this presidency, we are REALLY going to need a rebuilding time to protect us from those who want us dead. Having a hard line conservative for a VP (with powers/duties along the lines of Mr. "Big Time" Cheney) would accomplish several things - it would reduce the risk of assassination (generally), it would provide for a powerful back-up to the President, and it would mollify the conservative base who may not be enamored of Rudy. Rudy is certainly no social conservative, which I am definitely, BUT aside from things like ex. orders allowing for federal funding of abortions, the President doesn't hold that much sway over social issues. Social issues such as crime are readily addressed by Rudy (as proven in spades), and he would appoint a strong AG, I'm sure.

Bottom line, I'm so libertarian (little "l") that I would vote for a lesbian duckbilled platypus from Mars if I thought she'd govern conservatively (smaller government, individual liberty, lower taxes, strong defense, etc.).
mei lan said:
...Honestly, there truly is no standout at this point, and that's unfortunate.

The GOP has this incredible ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. When the simplest, easiest, most natural thing to do is x, they will do y and drive the car right off the cliff. When a Democrat loses, they don't run again. When a Republican loses, they just keep running till "it's my turn" (see: Bob Dole, John McCain). I've read many a time that the Democrats are the party of evil and the GOP is the party of stupid. I pray that doesn't hold true for this next election. But I never underestimate their stupidity. :mad: :mad: :mad:

So true!!! Why-oh-why couldn't we have found anyone more dynamic than Dole or McCain?

I could very much get behind Rudy if it weren't for his personal indiscretions and pro-abortion stand. He has always seemed like a great leader to me. I do like Newt, but I'm not sure he could get elected.

We need somebody awesome!!
Wow! I just looked at my post. I was able to type my most important political issue without censorship. Unfortunately, I can't post the happy dance as it is a grievous issue.
mei lan said:
I've thought all along that Palin wouldn't run. She might surprise me, but for some reason, I've just not seen signs that she will run. I like her, and I think she's a true conservative, but very divisive.

RE: Huckster - as I've said elsewhere, I wouldn't vote for him as dog catcher. He may be a social conservative, but that's as far as I'd take it. And with his record on crime (i.e., it's a BAD record), that's probably stretching it.

RE: Pawlenty and Christie - Pawlenty I'll withhold judgment on because I haven't seen enough of him outside of MinneSOHta. He seems a bit milquetoast to me, but that wouldn't necessarily make me not vote for him. Christie seems good so far...I have heard a little discussion here and there that he's not tough on illegal immigration, which is a sticking point with me. Otherwise, I really like him. But he's been way firm that he's not going to run.

While we're at it, RE: Romney - I think RomneyCare did him in. It won't show up for awhile, but I don't think he's gonna fare well. Plus, by this point, he's almost like he's been running for President his whole life, and it's his turn. blech

RE: Gingrich - NO.
Yes to all of that!!
I like Cain. I like Christie. I like Newt. There are a couple of others I will watch this year. Looks like some good ones coming up.
Foxmeister said:
What the GOP needs to do is determine who in the party polls better than Obama and get that person to run against him while discouraging others from running. This candidate is still going to need a big war chest of campaign funding for the general election.

A national poll released last week says Christie beats Obama in a head to head match up... ;)
Foxmeister said:
I don't think Pawlenty or Christie are RINOS either.

I've liked Herman from the first time I heard him. What a 180 degree turn he would be for this nation. If he does run I believe he will get some attention due to his vast knowledge and energy. I'd LOVE to see him do well because it's obvious he's no RINO.

But I agree Fox, Pawlenty and Christy are not RINOs either and would be happy to vote for either. Christy is another ball of fire that could turn this country around. If nothing else I feel confident that our choices will be FAR better in the 2012 primary. Thank God above!
RE: Name recognition

Not many people knew what a Barack Obama was a few years ago either. It just depends if the media would embrace Cain enough, but since he's a conservative maybe not. But I wouldn't count him out just yet.

I do like Christie...a lot.

And I still like Huck, and I think he could really capture the heart of mainstream America in another run. I think his show on Fox has turned a lot of people around about who he really is.

Newt has more brains than any of them; the guy is just a walking computer. But he is damaged goods, and some of his positions over the last few years have me wondering. Still, I wouldn't count him out.
Obama got the attention of Democrats across the nation with his polished speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. How he delivered the speech made a great impression on everyone to include many Republicans. Many walked away from that speech believing he sounded "presidential." Cain hasn't had that opportunity to address that many people across the country at one time. I doubt he will get it either.

If there is a time for Newt to be able to overcome the damaged part of his reputation, it will be for the 2012 election. Like his affair or not, the man was one of the most skilled and effective members of Congress in our nation's history. With the current state of the economy and world affairs, I think voters would be very receptive of him.

I think a Pawlenty/Gingrich ticket would do very well.
Oh and...I may be wrong but I don't think Palin has any real intentions of running. I think she knows what her job is and she's doing it no. she's an attack dog; she's supposed to rally the base and build opposition to Obama. Then another candidate will ride in on a white horse inherit Palin's supporters and appeal to the independents and moderate Dems.
I hope she has no intentions of running, but I have some doubts. Perhaps if she has the slightest inclination to run, she will decide not to because of Herman Cain. Face it, her base is the Tea Party and he too is popular with them. She knows that would split her base and drastically reduce her chances. However, I'm sure she also knows the Dems would view her as the weakest candidate and vote for her in the Republican primaries. Her ego my be getting to the point that she doesn't see her own political baggage and will make her believe she could actually beat Obama in a primary because his favorability numbers are weak. I guess we just have to wait and see.

What I do know is, we have to pray for a candidate to come to the front who can actually rally the independents and conservatives together to win this election and take the country back to the principles our Founding Fathers had established.
Foxmeister said:
I hope she has no intentions of running, but I have some doubts.

I like her in some ways, she's probably more of a conservative than most of them out there. I admire that she can stand up to her own party when they are off track. But she has a credibility problem that she needs to deal with. If she really has aspirations of being prez, she should spend at least one term in congress and prove herself to the people.

I will add...some of her perceived lack of experience is really not her fault; the McCain campaign unfairly plucked her right out of Alaska and thrust her into the world spotlight without proper preparation. But regardless, it hurt her, and she will have to fix it before she'll be taken seriously enough to get elected president.
Guard Dad said:
Oh and...I may be wrong but I don't think Palin has any real intentions of running. I think she knows what her job is and she's doing it no. she's an attack dog; she's supposed to rally the base and build opposition to Obama. Then another candidate will ride in on a white horse inherit Palin's supporters and appeal to the independents and moderate Dems.
I hope she does NOT run.

I just wish more people would listen to Herm. He just makes sense.
Whoa Willie said:
Guard Dad said:
Oh and...I may be wrong but I don't think Palin has any real intentions of running. I think she knows what her job is and she's doing it no. she's an attack dog; she's supposed to rally the base and build opposition to Obama. Then another candidate will ride in on a white horse inherit Palin's supporters and appeal to the independents and moderate Dems.
I hope she does NOT run.

I just wish more people would listen to Herm. He just makes sense.

I think he will surprise a lot of people around the country that don't know him yet. By surprise I mean his firm grasp of economics and his spirited articulation. (For those in Palm Beach County that means he can speak intelligently about the know, smart)
Guard Dad said:
Foxmeister said:
I hope she has no intentions of running, but I have some doubts.

I like her in some ways, she's probably more of a conservative than most of them out there. I admire that she can stand up to her own party when they are off track. But she has a credibility problem that she needs to deal with. If she really has aspirations of being prez, she should spend at least one term in congress and prove herself to the people.

I will add...some of her perceived lack of experience is really not her fault; the McCain campaign unfairly plucked her right out of Alaska and thrust her into the world spotlight without proper preparation. But regardless, it hurt her, and she will have to fix it before she'll be taken seriously enough to get elected president.

I totally agree with you. McCain made a mistake when he picked her. She was too green and not well informed on national and foreign affair issues. If he wanted a woman to be his VP candidate, there were certainly a few better choices out there that would have worked. The only problem was, many of those choices were not much younger than him and would not attract the younger voters. He picked Paliln primarily because she was young and very attractive. His campaign thought she would attract the younger voters.
Jack Reacher said:
Whoa Willie said:
Guard Dad said:
Oh and...I may be wrong but I don't think Palin has any real intentions of running. I think she knows what her job is and she's doing it no. she's an attack dog; she's supposed to rally the base and build opposition to Obama. Then another candidate will ride in on a white horse inherit Palin's supporters and appeal to the independents and moderate Dems.
I hope she does NOT run.

I just wish more people would listen to Herm. He just makes sense.

I think he will surprise a lot of people around the country that don't know him yet. By surprise I mean his firm grasp of economics and his spirited articulation. (For those in Palm Beach County that means he can speak intelligently about the know, smart)

You're right, but unfortunately he will not be able to raise enough money to get his message out there to persuade enough voters to support him.