11 years ago? Really?

Grey Colson

Staff member
I got a chuckle yesterday when I received a notification on YouTube about an old video I made for Dallas Hwy.....11 years ago?!?!?

There was only 1 comment ever made under the video....ever....and it was....


It just struck me as funny. Blazing Saddles is a good friend of many of us and he was active here at that time. Of course, looks who's talking, but I've been meaning to be more active. Until recently, I've been the only dude in the office handling cases and I've been SNOWED! Anyway, I'll post the video below as a little "Throw Back" I had also made one for a couple of our old female members who absolutely Loved to Hate me. Bless their hearts

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stradial must have just uglied himself away. I guess that's a little harsh. Lord please forgive me and bless the pygmies in Africa.

If I remember correctly (not likely), he and you had some disagreement about religion and he decided to vacate the premises after that.

Think of all the threads about old movies if he were still here. :D
If I remember correctly (not likely), he and you had some disagreement about religion and he decided to vacate the premises after that.

Think of all the threads about old movies if he were still here. :D
I can do without any thread he felt compelled to post. His problem with me wasn't just about religion. It was about anything I said, regardless of the topic. His brazen and hateful comments to me not withstanding, I invited him back after he left the first time only for him to continue the same belligerent behavior without provocation. There are ways to disagree with anyone without displaying such disdain and hatefulness.
I can do without any thread he felt compelled to post. His problem with me wasn't just about religion. It was about anything I said, regardless of the topic. His brazen and hateful comments to me not withstanding, I invited him back after he left the first time only for him to continue the same belligerent behavior without provocation. There are ways to disagree with anyone without displaying such disdain and hatefulness.
I forgot all about the guy until he was brought up in this discussion.