

Driver In Training
That shooting in St. Louis had me feeling a bit sad when I found out a kid had been shot 9 times. Then I found out the "kid" was 18 and he and another person assaulted the officer before he was shot. Then I heard the witness story about him "running with his arms up." How do you even do that? THEN the looting. Why? I was going to be middle of the road and read differing opinions about this situation, then the looting. If you are really, really, really upset about an issue, do you break into a store and steal some Jordans? Seriously, I can't that community seriously. If you want people to listen to you and think of you as an innocent victim, don't do crimes for at least a week.

Then I saw this:
If you have ever read the website Lipstick Alley (shocking, you nice folks don't go look), you will see it isn't a minority opinion. No pun intended.

I didn't shoot that kid, wouldn't shoot that kid. None of the other white folks around there shot him either. Why would you want to pillage booty from innocent people who just happen to breathe your air? Now I feel like the truth will never come out because you can't trust that community. Not because of their predominate color, but because of their predominate behavior. To me isn't about race, it is about acting like crap. If you act like crap I just can't be on your side. I'm not sure if that is a personal failing or not, but it's how I feel. I feel the same way about all races/communities/areas who act like crap. I just can't get on board with that and blindly follow a weak lead even if you look like me.

We still have some stuff to solve in this country that a new pair of Jordans won't fix.
I saw the articles and just rolled my eyes on them. Wasn't O suppose to fix our race problems? I don't pretend to know the details of this story but even if I did it wouldn't change the outcome or the reaction of the local thugs. If this truly was an innocent victim with the shots unjustified then let them bring charges and prosecute to the fullest. Otherwise, stop acting like a fool and take pride in your community. We have our own ISIS in this country, they're just not labeled terrorist (yet).
CeeJay said:
We still have some stuff to solve in this country that a new pair of Jordans won't fix.


PS - honeybunny and I are also twitchy fans. ;)
Nothing says justice like a new pair of free sneakers.

(BTW, I thought this thread was going to be about something else)
stradial said:
Nothing says justice like a new pair of free sneakers.

(BTW, I thought this thread was going to be about something else)

No, you WISH this thread was about something else.
Madea said:
I'll never understand the looting. On any level. Or for any reason.

AGREED. Kinda like the LA riots...they beat up one of our own (Rodney King), so let's go loot and trash business owners in our own neighborhoods! Srsly? Who does that? (rhetorical question)

I did note this kid's family put out a statement decrying the violence, and said they were appalled at the actions of the people there.
Guard Dad said:
stradial said:
Nothing says justice like a new pair of free sneakers.

(BTW, I thought this thread was going to be about something else)

No, you WISH this thread was about something else.

Who doesn't like a thread about pirate treasure?
mei lan said:
Madea said:
I'll never understand the looting. On any level. Or for any reason.

AGREED. Kinda like the LA riots...they beat up one of our own (Rodney King), so let's go loot and trash business owners in our own neighborhoods! Srsly? Who does that? (rhetorical question)

I did note this kid's family put out a statement decrying the violence, and said they were appalled at the actions of the people there.

We were still in the Equitable Building and locked down back when the verdict came down. I honestly haven't sat down and watched the news long enough to get the whole story on what happened with this kid, but violence does not solve problems, it creates different ones.
It's alarming at how quickly one town can fall into chaos. What's more alarming is that it appears the story is getting only limited coverage in the MSM. There is coverage available but it's obvious there's an attempt to minimize the story in MSM, although it's a hot topic on social media. I read one story where media access to parts of Ferguson, MO was being denied, at least until daylight. Now whether or not it's true I cannot say. On one hand it makes sense, on the other is makes one wonder.
The people stealing stuff don't give a rat's patoot about race relations. It's about stealing stuff for them.
Pure senselessness. All because some people walk in the dang road and won't move for a car, a police car at that.

I wasn't raised with a PC mentality, but I was raised to be polite. My dad would have said, "What are you an idiot? Get out of the damn road!"

It isn't just a black community thing, that walking in the road. I saw Paulding kids do it all the time. Mostly when a group got off the bus, but sometimes just groups of kids hanging out in the road and not moving when a car approached. I would always be my dad then, silently, and think, "You don't have the sense to get out of the road?" or "Your parents never taught you to stay out of the road?"

Little acts of rudeness add up. People get tired of constant affronts to common courtesy and one little incident will tip them over the edge. Because we used to be a polite society. Now we aren't as much. Older people are usually more polite, more mindful, but something happened with my generation. We are split. Some of us are still in tune with a sense of respect for other people around us, but some of us are rude and selfish and self-centered. And we can't see it. If anybody tells us, we deny it, it is their problem.

We are raising kids who won't stay out of the road. If your first thought is about the lack of sidewalks, you might be one of those people. Because anybody with any sense would know there is an edge to every road and no good excuse.

Maybe these bad times will bring back some common courtesy. Or maybe we will just blame everybody else because we don't have enough sense to just get out of the road without being told.

I just don't know what to think about us anymore. If the easy stuff is so hard for us, is the hard stuff now beyond our reach as a society? Because the big justice thing isn't as important as the day-to-day way we treat each other. The little stuff matters.

Did the cop kill that kid or did his "parents" kill him by not teaching him to stay out of the road? I know who will get blamed, but I'm not sure it will be justice.
I agree about kids being in the road and I do not understand it.
A while back the wife and I were driving in a subdivision and there were 4 kids walking in the same direction we were traveling.
They were strung across the entire lane, walking side by side.
They turned and saw us coming, with plenty of time to move over and/or get in a two by two line, but did nothing to get out of the way.
I am not saying that what I did was a good thing and it certainly wasn't a smart thing, but I must have come within 6" off the kid who was furthest out in the road.
Those kids were shocked.
The wife was also.
She said she was glad nothing had happened, but even my liberal wife said she didn't have any sympathy for the kids.
Unless there has been something new, as of last night, the race of the police officer had not been disclosed.
Out of 53 cops there, 50 are white because the department has trouble retaining black officers. And I think a witness said the cop was the man.

I can picture in my head how it happened, how two young people refused to get out of the middle of the road and it escalated. I try not to let stuff bother me, but that middle of the road thing infuriates me. Not really sure why it pushes my button more than other things. I think because it is a representation of pure stupidity and arrogance.

People here stay out of the road. I think because they know one of these Texans will run them over without blinking.
And don't people want their kids to be safe? Isn't that one of the foundational lessons you learn when you are young? Don't play with matches. Don't run with scissors. Don't stick stuff in the electrical outlet. Stay out of the road. Why does this even happen?

If it is one of those "This is MY road" things, somebody better ask Obama. He would tell them they didn't build that. haha And just because you live in a certain subdivision, you don't own the road. The road is for everybody. If you are doing it to make a point, it is kind of a dumb point. Any fool can walk in the road, it isn't a feat of great bravery or genius. It is just rude and dumb. I think maybe most parents are at work and don't realize their kids are doing it. Because surely no parent in America thinks it is okay behavior.
CeeJay said:
Out of 53 cops there, 50 are white because the department has trouble retaining black officers. And I think a witness said the cop was the man.

I can picture in my head how it happened, how two young people refused to get out of the middle of the road and it escalated. I try not to let stuff bother me, but that middle of the road thing infuriates me. Not really sure why it pushes my button more than other things. I think because it is a representation of pure stupidity and arrogance.

People here stay out of the road. I think because they know one of these Texans will run them over without blinking.

Preach on, sister.