Democrats unveil articles of impeachment alleging abuse of power, obstruction

Well, we know they will try to use the fact that the GOP has control of the Senate to make it out like the GOP is partisan and are not taking the charges seriously.

Also, is being impeached prevent a president from running for office again?
Now lets watch them prove it. I actually believe that had they followed Gulliani around they would have found some real dirt. That second channel to foreign relations really bothers me. But the Dems dropped the ball when it comes to proof. Unless they are holding cards back for the trial, they have nothing but hearsay and opinion. That wont fly in the Senate where there will be actual rules of evidence and process.

I heard that the Republicans need something like 18 Dems to vote no in the House, and they have maybe 10 or 11 who would vote no if they thought they could get the 18 and stop it. This is not a popular move. As it stands, probably only 3 will vote no.
It's still early. Waiting to see which looney bin occupant the Libertarians decide to run. I may not even vote.
While I understand and agree with your sentiment, unless the Libertarians make a major change, they will just run yet another fruitcake that will mostly steal vote from the Republican candidate and help the Dems. The pragmatist in me will not allow me to throw my vote away like that. We're not sending any messages, we're not helping the Libertarians gain strength by voting for their non-viable candidates. We're just throwing our votes away.

When the Libertarians get their own crap together and run a candidate who can capture the hearts of the American people, only then will they be a serious contender. The closest they had was Ron Paul, and he never got over around 20%, if memory serves. Of course, he can be kinda fruity himself.

Until there is a viable 3rd party, my belief is that the best thing I can do is to vote for the candidate who has the best chance of keeping the real evil out. I'm not happy about that, but it is what it is.
my belief is that the best thing I can do is to vote for the candidate who has the best chance of keeping the real evil out. I'm not happy about that, but it is what it is.

Other than my votes for Ronald W. Reagan, every vote I have ever cast has been "against" the opposition rather than "for" the recipient of my vote. DJT is going to get my "FOR" vote next November.
I watched quite a bit of the hearing last night after arriving home from work. The Dems continue putting words into the phone transcript that wasn't there. They also continue to spew their was collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russians during the 2016 election and continue claiming Trump is an agent of the Russians. I can't wait for this to go to trial in the Senate.
I watched some of the hearing last night and found it quite annoying as members from each side just kept regurgitating what everyone else on the committee from their side of the aisle was saying. I went to bed before it concluded for the night. It does seem to appear these hearings have benefited Trump in gaining more support against impeachment from voters in swing states for several reasons. First of all, the Dems were trying to make the impeachment with charges of bribery and obstruction of justice. They came to the realization they couldn't make a case out of those and went with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Those are very weak charges as well.

I do have to say the Republicans did a good job pointing out how Obama invoked executive privilege in denying documents and testimony during hearings on Fast and Furious and the Benghazi attack. The Republicans also pointed out how many of the Democrats now sitting on the Judiciary Committee are hypocrites when they supported Obama when he used executive privilege refusing to honor Congressional subpoenas for testimony and documents.

This will blow up in the Democrats faces when this goes to trial in the Senate as subpoenas will be issued for Schiff and members of his staff to testify about their contacts with the whistleblower. The whistleblower will also be subpoenaed and will have to testify under penalty of the law. LTC Vindman will also be forced to testify and reveal who it was outside the WH he talked to about the phone call. He can claim the 5th, but that will only further damage his credibility.

The Senate trial will further serve to prove the Democrats attempt to impeach Trump and oust him from office was established from the day he was elected and purely a plot to further the advances of the Democratic Party in hopes of getting the WH, gain the majority of the Senate, and maintain majority of the House. In other words, this movement was purely established for their members and party's political benefit. They know the current crop of liberal presidential hopefuls do not stand a snowball's chance in hell of beating Trump. It's the economy Democrats that is really benefiting you and that's why you don't want Trump and have been dreaming for a recession.

The Democrats will fail big time in a Senate trial and they will lose seats in Congress. Notice how these hearings have not hurt the stock market? Investors are smart. They too see the Democrats losing their asses over this. It's apparent to them Trump will be re-elected and the Republican Party will make gains in the House standing a good chance to get back the majority. They see this will result in the removal of more regulations, lower taxes, and better trade deals with other countries. This is also why donations to the GOP and the Trump campaign have been outpacing donations to the Democrats.

Most importantly, those 63 million "deplorable" voters who supported Trump in 2016 will support him in 2020, as well as others because they see this impeachment as a political stunt by the Democrats, but most importantly they are doing much better today than they were when Obama was president.
That is my hope, that this circus will allow the American people to see the Dems for what they are. There is some indication that it's backfiring on the Democrats.
Those who voted for Trump in 2016 will vote for him again. They like what he's done and that he's living up to his promises; something previous presidents failed to do. I would be very, very surprised if he did not carry some of the states he did in 2016.
My great fear has been that the Republicans could lose the Senate. I don't see that happening now and they may even gain some House seats. If we honored the Constitution, the man in the White House would not be nearly as important. Hopefully SCOTUS can take care of that with the first delegation case. RBG needs to retire tomorrow.