Does God have an email address?

Grey Colson

Staff member
If you ask me....I say.....ahhhh, NO.

Why do I keep getting these chain emails that say I will "pass it on" if I Love God? If I don't pass it on, then I don't Love God. But if I DO, something WONDERFUL will happen to me within 48 hours.

It's not that some of these emails aren't very nice, loving and Biblical, but why INSIST that I pass them on, or.....something bad will happen....or I don't Love the Lord.

I don't know about you guys, but an email that gives me an ultimatum gets deleted instantly. I'm a Christian and I DO love the Lord, but I don't think for a minute He has ANYTHING to do with these chain emails. Did it not rain on the just and the un-just before emails ever existed? These emails are the most stupid things I have seen in a looooong time. I have deleted them for years and I have YET to be cursed for not forwarding them.

Does anyone else this is as crazy as I do? I sure hope so... :sermon
Yeah, I just file them in the stupe folder (aka trash) and move on. Silly peoples be silly peoples, I reckon.
He does have email?!?!?!? Who knew?

And, if they are nice and I want to forward, I usually delete the "ultimatum" part. ;)