File this under "Duh"

This paragraph from the article has me shaking my head.

"One of the team leaders at Dudley is insisting that nobody, “is looking at it as a failure.” And on some levels, perhaps it wasn’t. For the period of time they managed to stay open they made lots of friends in the community and their employees earned a great salary and received other opportunities. But the fact remains that it was supposed to be operated as a business and would prove a point about a more “fair” economic system."

As a business venture, it failed. There used to be a forum in a Michigan community I lived in that had an overwhelming majority (about 80%) of liberals participating. The forum no longer exists because those liberals who owned could no longer afford to financially afford to keep it. They asked for donations, but didn't get them. The liberal members were too cheap and the conservatives weren't going to pay to be insulted. There were many liberals on that site that would say all the time that an owner of a business should not be in business to make a profit, but to provide the members of the community good paying jobs. They also believed the owner who made the financial investment and took all the financial risks should not pay himself more than he paid his lowest paid employee.

The article demonstrated that same type of attitude as those liberals on the defunct forum I was referring to. I'm sure they too made some really good "friends."