Genarlow Wilson


zip a dee doo dah
Not everyone is happy:

The background:

Graduation delayed, not enough credits:

And, Wilson was sponsored by The Tom Joyner Foundation. And, he may be getting some special treatment (my summation). Joyner is giving the commencement address for Morehouse. Wilson is participating in the ceremonies, even though he won't be graduating (that seems a bit out of the ordinary).

From Matt Towery, the originator of the bill that Wilson as convicted of, from his perspective. (Includes some info on the Romeo and Juliet part of the law.) If you don't know Towery, he's a good source of info on local politics.
unionmom said:
That whole case and, from the sound of it everyone at the party, was a jacked up mess.

I was very surprised reading the story from black sources. They our still outraged over the case and his graduation story is just bringing it all back.

Yes, the whole thing was a mess. In reviewing the above stories, I didn't see any mention of the white family that was raising him at the time of the incident, and who really worked hard to get him out.