Great Book to Read!


Pursuit Driver
After the discussion of the new Atlas Shrugged movie I decided to pick up a copy of the book to re-read. Well, I thought I read it in high school, but I actually read We the Living and The Fountainhead in high school, after having to read Anthem for freshman AP english.

I forgot how much I love Ayn Rand. She is such a great writer. I think everyone should read this book. I picked it up last Monday, but BabyB wasn't feeling well for most of last week after his shots Wednesday so I've just made it to page 124 so far, lol. I have a looooong way to go, as it is 1024 pages long.

Has anyone else read this? What did you think? No spoilers, though :p
It's been YEARS! I should re-read it. I also still have the Fountainhead at home that was a gift from a dear friend many years ago. There are some great lines in both books. I actually preferred Atlas Shrugged to the Fountainhead.
Madea said:
It's been YEARS! I should re-read it. I also still have the Fountainhead at home that was a gift from a dear friend many years ago. There are some great lines in both books. I actually preferred Atlas Shrugged to the Fountainhead.
Believe it or not, I am unable to put this book down. LOL I love it. I read a bit while he was sleeping. I can't wait until his bedtime so I can read a couple more hours!!
I've read it and I mostly concur...although I'll admit that I skipped most of of John Galt's 60 page radio address toward the end.
I can't wait to finish it. I have only made it to page 176 :))

I am looking forward to the car ride this week to be able to do nothing but read. I used to hate that drive.... :laugh
By the way, I was disappointed in the movie. I just kept thinking, "After all the controversy...and that's it?"
Waski_the_Squirrel said:
By the way, I was disappointed in the movie. I just kept thinking, "After all the controversy...and that's it?"
I want to see it, after I finish this book of course. But, I figured the movie would be like that. The book is so.... intricate? I think that is the word I am looking for.... that I figure it would be hard to make a movie with everything that is going on.