I can\'t believe he\'s 12 today ... how did that happen?


Pursuit Driver
Awwwwww. I swear my 15yo nephew was born last year, entered kindergarten a few months ago, and is now 15. Precious young men, though. We love 'em.
How sweet! Mine turned 12 in February. We are now eyeball to eyeball when he hugs me. I sure do love that pain in the rump! :)) They grow up WAY too fast!
I am not sure I want 12 again.. :huh ..but I would love to have mine back little for just a bit. :'(
How did it happen?

I'm thinking a little wine and soft music....but that's not important right now :whistle :laugh
Somehow, my daughter will be 26 in June. That little one to your left <---- will be 2 May 2. Now, how in the world did that happen???

Happy Birthday to UnionMom's little one!!!
unionmom said:

He is a cutie pie and looks like he is spirited! :) I hope he has a wonderful 12th birthday - they grow up so fast!

Hey just think, next year he will be a teenager and shortly after that, he will get his driver's license - fun times! :)