Is there any good ones left?


Charlies Angels

I have looked everywhere, tried all different kinds, brands. Tried expensive ones, cheap ones. And for the love of pete, I can not find a good can opener anywhere.

I HATE Them all! Does anyone have a good one that opens any size cans? I dont use them often. But I can not find one that will open cans worth a flip. :rant :BH
BeatBoxinGranny47 said:

Don't you think learning to fly a 70 year old fighter plane, filling it with aviation fuel and bullets and trying to hit a can of soup with the bullets while traveling at about 500 mph is a little extreme? Fun... HECK YEAH!! But still extreme. :B_S :B_S

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I have no idea what kind ours is, but its a manual can opener that I bought from Macy's about two years ago. It removes the entire lid w/no sharp edges left. I love it - cost me almost $20, but well worth it!
I have 4. Yes, 4. The only one I use is the one I bought at Kroger way back when I moved here in 2002. The others are still here do I don't hurt MrB's feelings. Lol
Winchester said:
BeatBoxinGranny47 said:

I doubt there are many people who know what a P38 (the non-airplane kind) is. My dad use to carry one on his keychain.
I knew what it is. DH has one around here some where. I think it might be the same one he had when he was in the Army.
I have been using OXO brand manual opener for close to 7 or 8 years and just love them. I find it very easy to use, zips thru any can. I gave up my electric can opener for it. I love everything oxo!
gog8tors said:
Winchester said:
BeatBoxinGranny47 said:

I doubt there are many people who know what a P38 (the non-airplane kind) is. My dad use to carry one on his keychain.
I knew what it is. DH has one around here some where. I think it might be the same one he had when he was in the Army.

I had the P-38 I was given in basic training (1974) until somebody stole it 20 years later. That really ticked me off. I always kept it around my ID tag chain and then one day, it was gone!

BTW, I have yet to find a can opener in the last 10 years that worked well at all. It seems like after you open a couple of cans, the opener turns into a piece of crap. Doesn't matter it it's manual or electric, they all pretty much stink.
Well GD that is what I feel like using. We use electric ones and they all stink. So I am willing to try anything at this point. I will try those that have been listed.

I think I may just give up on anything that is in a can! :eek: :BH
Charlies Angels said:
Well GD that is what I feel like using. We use electric ones and they all stink. So I am willing to try anything at this point. I will try those that have been listed.

I think I may just give up on anything that is in a can! :eek: :BH

lol - I gave up on the electric ones when that was all I had and I tried to use it while the power was off once. Try the OXO smooth edge - it's easy to turn and since you literally take the entire top off, you don't have to worry about sharp edges or lids that drop down into the veggies when you open the can.