Jeez Louise Folks......


aka "The Jackal"
I voted at 10am this morning in the district 30 Senate election at Taylor Farm Park. I was number FIVE to vote today.
I forgot about that. I will stop on my way home tonight. Thanks for the reminder!!!
Voted. I now have to catch up here and on a million emails. I swear I was not gone but a few minutes! :))
Not my job (in my best Hispanic accent). Oh. Wait. Not my district. I hope y'all done good.
Turnout was 1.8%. That's pitiful. Either everybody forgot, or they didn't see much difference in the candidates. Dugan won with about 80% of the vote in Paulding and Douglas, and 90% of the vote in Carroll.

One thing that is clear is that Paulding is the tail of the dog in this district. Carroll County politics will dominate here. In fact, with South Paulding being sacrificed onto the alter of gerrymandering of the house districts also, we will probably never be properly represented.