
Far West

Pursuit Driver
Good signs...
U.S. government posts $182 billion surplus in April

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government had a $182 billion budget surplus in April, confounding market expectations for a deficit, according to Treasury Department data released on Wednesday.

The budget surplus was $106 billion in April 2016, according to Treasury's monthly budget statement.

Receipts last month totaled $456 billion, up 4 percent from April 2016, while outlays stood at $273 billion, a decrease of 18 percent from the same month a year earlier.

Interesting comment from the internet...
"I love my President, VP and the whole lot, investment companies coming into USA❤ Job growth, illegal immigration down 71% & this is just the beginning. MAGA"
Here's the deal...

We're in a big mess fiscally, and there will have to be major changes to our economy and society to fix it. Yes, we have a spending problem. The federal government has gotta way too big and has it's nose into a lot of places it doesn't belong. This country is far more Socialist than most of us realize.

But cutting spending alone will not solve the problem. Not nearly enough of the people in the United States work and pay their own way, which has resulted in a massive amount of our fiscal resources (more correctly known as taxpayer dollars) to be used to support deadbeats. To be clear...I'm not referring to the sick or elderly, I'm talking about able bodied people who should be working and supporting them and their families. When you factor in the disabled and retired, those on welfare, and the people working for the government or downstream of the government (just a tax dollar transfer); only about half of the people in this country and actually working and earning salaries that contribute to tax revenues.

That won't cut it! The surpluses mentioned above are encouraging, but just paying our bills isn't enough, we have a MASSIVE debt to pay back, as well as the interest on it.

This is the reality of it, the part the politicians don't want to talk about. We must make major changes to get healthy again and avoid the financial cliff.

And we'll have to spend more before we spend less. Transitioning people off of the welfare state into self-sufficiency will take decades. Liberalism has put a large portion of our population into a lifestyle of dependency, and most of those people don't even know how to work or exist on their own anymore. It will take education and retraining to transition this segment of the population back into self-sufficiency. It could take an entire generation to accomplish this, but it has to happen if we're to become financial strong again and lead the world in economic power.

The problem is...anyone who tries to implement such policies is immediately villified by the political left and painted as a cruel and heartless, not to mention racist and a whole bunch of other horrible names to the uneducated and ignorant. You see...that is one of the fringe benefits of the welfare state; it gives the Socialist left the ability to keep their constituents ignorant of the truth and an understanding of how government and an economy actually works. And so those politicians get voted back in by the very people whom they have brainwashed. Keeping their constituency ignorant and mislead is a major part of their strategy, and it works.

So the bottom line is...the odds of us doing what we need to do to have a long-term fix for this mess isn't good.
How do you catch a group of wild hogs?

In the middle of the woods where the wild hogs live, is a clearing. One day the hogs see a man in a pickup truck arrive and they are suspicious. They stay in the woods and watch the man put up just one side of a fence. Once it was up, the man dumped a lot of corn about 15' from it and left. The hogs were very cautious, but a couple went out to investigate. When they saw nothing that could harm them, they called the other hogs out to eat the corn. Every day for two weeks, the man returned at the same time and dumped more corn.

After two weeks, the man put up another another side of fencing, connecting it to the first making an "L" shape. The hogs stayed in the woods and watched him. Once he was finished with the fencing, he dumped another load of corn and departed and the hogs went out to feast. For the next two weeks, the man came out every day at the same time and dumped corn.

After another two weeks passed, the man put up another side of the fence, connecting it to the second making a squared "U" shape. Once he finished he dumped another load of corn and left. The hogs who were watching, went to feast as the man left. Again, for the next two weeks the man returned every day at the same time to dump another load of corn.

The man noticed while putting up the third side of fencing the hogs were no longer hiding in the woods, as they were in the clearing at a safe distance watching him. During the next two weeks, the hogs were closer each day to the fencing waiting for him to arrive.

After two weeks, the man came back and put up the fourth and last side of fencing, but this one had a large gate. He dumped the corn inside the fencing as usual and departed, but this time very slowly as he wanted to see how far he was from the fence before the hogs went in to feast. Over the next two weeks as he continued to dump a load of corn, he observed that the hogs would start heading to the open gate as soon as he got into his truck.

One day after dumping a load of corn, the man did not leave, but just sat in his truck parked next to the gate as watched the hogs enter the fence through the gate. Once they were all inside, he quickly got out of his truck and shut the gate. As he departed, he observed the hogs had not noticed he closed the gate. Every day he returned to dump another load of corn over the fence, but not always at the same time. None the less, the hogs were always happy to see him arrive.

The man continued over the next three years to dump corn for the hogs every day, but as each month passed he observed the population of the hogs continued to grow and it was costing him more to feed the hogs. One day the man arrived and opened the gate and left. The hogs were confused and upset that he did not leave any corn. They didn't know what to do. The hogs that were born and raised in captivity did not know how to forage for food and man of those who were once wild had forgotten. The few who could remember had to teach the others how to forage for food, but many of them were lazy and continued to hang around the fence for the man to return. The lazy eventually died of starvation.

The man in the story represents a government and the hogs a society that has become completely dependent upon that government. Eventually the government was running out of money to continue providing free food for the society and quit.

The progressives wanted the massive debt and for the system to be so overloaded the government would have to take everything from the makers and give to the takers... and what the government did not take, riots and rioters would. Just look at Venezuela... what a mess.

Argentina (1989), Bolivia (1984), Brazil (1989), Chile (1973), Nicaragua (1986) and Peru (1988 and 1990) have all gone into hyper inflation due to socialism and the corruption that comes from socialism.

Social-welfarism violates property rights, encourages sloth and dependency and requires a healthy capitalist economy (and prior built up capital reserves) from which to feed off of.

Net net, people don't like working hard to have the fruits of that hard work plundered by government and handed out to others who are not working hard... Socialism is always evil because it subsumes the rights of the individual to those of a collective, which must be run by an elite who are not subject to the privations of the common folk in the collective...
How do you catch a group of wild hogs?
Or you set up 2 pounds of Tannerite over a bait feeder then wait for the freeloaders to come back for their handout. When enough are aimlessly gorging out....BAM!!!

It's much more fun that way.....a little messy but seriously fun.
Or you set up 2 pounds of Tannerite over a bait feeder then wait for the freeloaders to come back for their handout. When enough are aimlessly gorging out....BAM!!!

It's much more fun that way.....a little messy but seriously fun.

Yeah, I thought the end of the story would be: Once fattened up they were herded into a truck and taken to the livestock auction. Sort of a Germany analogy... I guess it is more a Venezuela analogy.
How do you catch a group of wild hogs?

In the middle of the woods where the wild hogs live, is a clearing. One day the hogs see a man in a pickup truck arrive and they are suspicious. They stay in the woods and watch the man put up just one side of a fence. Once it was up, the man dumped a lot of corn about 15' from it and left. The hogs were very cautious, but a couple went out to investigate. When they saw nothing that could harm them, they called the other hogs out to eat the corn. Every day for two weeks, the man returned at the same time and dumped more corn.

After two weeks, the man put up another another side of fencing, connecting it to the first making an "L" shape. The hogs stayed in the woods and watched him. Once he was finished with the fencing, he dumped another load of corn and departed and the hogs went out to feast. For the next two weeks, the man came out every day at the same time and dumped corn.

After another two weeks passed, the man put up another side of the fence, connecting it to the second making a squared "U" shape. Once he finished he dumped another load of corn and left. The hogs who were watching, went to feast as the man left. Again, for the next two weeks the man returned every day at the same time to dump another load of corn.

The man noticed while putting up the third side of fencing the hogs were no longer hiding in the woods, as they were in the clearing at a safe distance watching him. During the next two weeks, the hogs were closer each day to the fencing waiting for him to arrive.

After two weeks, the man came back and put up the fourth and last side of fencing, but this one had a large gate. He dumped the corn inside the fencing as usual and departed, but this time very slowly as he wanted to see how far he was from the fence before the hogs went in to feast. Over the next two weeks as he continued to dump a load of corn, he observed that the hogs would start heading to the open gate as soon as he got into his truck.

One day after dumping a load of corn, the man did not leave, but just sat in his truck parked next to the gate as watched the hogs enter the fence through the gate. Once they were all inside, he quickly got out of his truck and shut the gate. As he departed, he observed the hogs had not noticed he closed the gate. Every day he returned to dump another load of corn over the fence, but not always at the same time. None the less, the hogs were always happy to see him arrive.

The man continued over the next three years to dump corn for the hogs every day, but as each month passed he observed the population of the hogs continued to grow and it was costing him more to feed the hogs. One day the man arrived and opened the gate and left. The hogs were confused and upset that he did not leave any corn. They didn't know what to do. The hogs that were born and raised in captivity did not know how to forage for food and man of those who were once wild had forgotten. The few who could remember had to teach the others how to forage for food, but many of them were lazy and continued to hang around the fence for the man to return. The lazy eventually died of starvation.

The man in the story represents a government and the hogs a society that has become completely dependent upon that government. Eventually the government was running out of money to continue providing free food for the society and quit.

I've heard this many times. Good long explanation there!
I take it the person conning the hogs was enjoying it and trying to prove a point.
You see there are ways to con and the consequences are variable as you show.
The man in the story is a conartist not the government. The government is a group of people.
There may be con artists in the government but there is no black and white rules.
eventualy running out of money to continue providing free food was inevitable and so as it applies to people as well group or individual.
Lesson is don't trust anyone and think for yourself because there are alot of men like this con artist in the world.