Nanny State Run Amok...

:dunno I do not know that this is a true story. The only other place I found it was on Free Range Kids and even a lot of those comments brought up some of the missing pieces or not making sense parts I thought about when reading the article.
This might be a strange question, but what struck me about the article was that the older kid didn't have a key to the house or else know where a key was hidden around the house.

When I was a kid (and my parents don't live there anymore) I knew the key to the house was hidden underneath a bird feeder among some bushes out front. I knew that from a very young age. When I got older, I got a key of my own. In fact, I still have that key. At 39, my parents still trust me with a key to their house. I also know where the key is hidden around the house.

At age 11, lots of kids have keys to their own house. With two parents working, it is a pretty normal thing all across this country from 11-year-old kids to be left alone after school.

As for Child Protective Services: I don't know how it is where this story was written, but they are overwhelmed in my county and only act in the most egregious of cases. Some 11-year-old playing in the yard while unsupervised wouldn't even register on their radar. They're more busy with kids who are living in the family car, a camper in the dead of winter, or who having the tar beaten out of them on a regular basis. Maybe in other parts of the country, CPS has time to deal with a kid who looks unsupervised.
It is a warped story.

But, that may be all it is.

Did a bit of searching, and while I found a LOT of sites hosting this story ... not one of them was mainstream news, nor were there any sources cited - other than each other.
Doesn't pass the sniff test largely because there is no "real" verification of the vents.

But there are plenty of easy to verify cases that are just as bad or worse.
I'm thinking this is not what it appears. The "update" is nothing of the sort and as "proof" she simply posted the petition for dependency, which proves nothing except they are in trouble with the court and the court has custody of the children. There is likely far more to this than meets the eye.