pinterest 3rd most popular social networking site

mei lan

Pursuit Driver
Interesting. I LOVE this site. It's positive, uplifting, and beautiful. I generally don't even sign in, and I've never pinned anything. I just download the pics I like, and bookmark the sites I like. I'm not a fan of blabbing my preferences all over sites anyway (as you know). I think it's hilarious that PBO's campaign set up an account for him. What a dork. Anyhoo, I don't know if it has ads; I have adblock and rarely see any ads on any web site.
I'm not sure how it's considered "social networking", but it sure is fun! Love it! But I don't really talk with anyone there.
Madea said:
I'm not sure how it's considered "social networking", but it sure is fun! Love it! But I don't really talk with anyone there.
I think because you "follow" or have friends "follow" you that you are networking. Sounds good to me. LOL
I resisted trying out pinterest for quite a while but I just signed up a couple of days ago. Its very interesting with lots of ideas.
ShoeDiva said:
Madea said:
I'm not sure how it's considered "social networking", but it sure is fun! Love it! But I don't really talk with anyone there.
I think because you "follow" or have friends "follow" you that you are networking. Sounds good to me. LOL

Also because you sign up through FB/Twitter (I do have a Twitter account so I can follow breaking news if nec.) and then you fill out a profile detailing your interests. So it's a data mining operation. I don't cooperate with this one, either. I just use it. ;)
mei lan said:
ShoeDiva said:
Madea said:
I'm not sure how it's considered "social networking", but it sure is fun! Love it! But I don't really talk with anyone there.
I think because you "follow" or have friends "follow" you that you are networking. Sounds good to me. LOL

Also because you sign up through FB/Twitter (I do have a Twitter account so I can follow breaking news if nec.) and then you fill out a profile detailing your interests. So it's a data mining operation. I don't cooperate with this one, either. I just use it. ;)
LOL. You are so uncooperative! :))
ShoeDiva said:
mei lan said:
ShoeDiva said:
Madea said:
I'm not sure how it's considered "social networking", but it sure is fun! Love it! But I don't really talk with anyone there.
I think because you "follow" or have friends "follow" you that you are networking. Sounds good to me. LOL

Also because you sign up through FB/Twitter (I do have a Twitter account so I can follow breaking news if nec.) and then you fill out a profile detailing your interests. So it's a data mining operation. I don't cooperate with this one, either. I just use it. ;)
LOL. You are so uncooperative! :))

Makes it much easier to fall off the grid that way if it should become necessary. ;)