Proof That Liberals Are Stupid

Far West

Pursuit Driver
The whole article is worth the read... I clipped and pasted highlights - I hated to leave anything out... all points were tight.

Back to the 0bama's and HYPOCRITE I stated earlier this week. We all know he is a fake.. Do you think the progressives will ever catch on?
Proof That Liberals Are Stupid
Bruce Bialosky
Posted: May 14, 2017 12:01 AM

I rarely use the word stupid. Most frequently the word I use is ignorant which means lacking knowledge or awareness. Stupid means something significantly different. Stupidity means lacking intelligence, understanding, reason, wit and/or good sense. Republicans have often referred to liberals as just plain wrong though some invoked stupidity in a knee-jerk manner. If you doubted that liberals are stupid, we now have proof.

The proof comes from the high priests of the Left – the editorial board of The New York Times. ... In an editorial entitled The Cost of Obama’s Speech, they reacted with shock that he would accept such a fee from the forces he was “fighting” against. And this is not feigned shock like Captain Louie in Casablanca. This is real shock.
...The stupidity of the Left was further validated when Vox published an article with a title that states the $400,000 fee will undermine everything Obama believes in.

Everything Obama believes in is – Obama. Did you really think he was going to live by all that garbage he was shoveling down your throats?

...But did you not get a hint where the Obamas were headed when they signed what is estimated to be a $60-65 million deal for their memoirs. Penguin is going to have to sell a lot of books. That means a royalty of $6.50 on each of 10 million books sold. Seems more like a bribe than good business.

But let us review what the Obamas have been doing since they left office:

  • In early February, the Obamas were hosted by Virgin chairman Richard Branson on his private island in the British West Indies, for an unknown length of time.

  • The next stop was Tetiaroa, the South Pacific private island that once belonged to Marlon Brando, and now houses ultra-expensive and ultra-exclusive villas (reportedly one is for sale for 6 million euros). The former president decided this was the ideal spot to pen his memoirs for perhaps as much as a month. The prices are $3,000 a night.
  • And, finally, there are the now infamous photos of the Obamas with David Geffen and his guests (Tom Hanks, Bruce Springsteen, Oprah and Gayle King and God knows who else) on his mega-yacht Rising Sun – which measures 454 feet and regularly shows up at all the best water spots on the globe. The yacht just happened to be in the neighborhood when the Obamas were on Tetiaroa.
Amazingly, none of this set-off the Leftists. Hanging with the ultra-rich is fine; just don’t take Wall Street money.

Isn’t it interesting that the Obamas are following the same pattern as the Clintons? First, totally forget where you came from. The Obamas will return to Chicago as frequently as the Clintons have returned to Arkansas. The Obamas will do obligatory visits to the presidential library and maybe catch a Chisox game.

...Fascinating how easily the Left is captivated by rich people who are willing to say and do things that further their own exclusive lifestyle. Somehow they still think the Democratic Party cares about the commoner. It is all about power and money. Money in their pockets.