The witch just can't help herself

Guard Dad

Staff member
Pelosi says Trump has downplayed severity of coronavirus: 'As the president fiddles, people are dying'

Nancy wishes to deny the facts. When the swine flu broke out during the Obama administration, all the N95 masks in the national stockpile were sent out. The problem was, the Obama administration did not replace them. In other words, when Trump took office, there were no N95 masks in the national stockpile. This has now caused a problem getting large number of masks to health agencies and hospitals. What did Trump do? Coordinated with 3M to go into overdrive in making and shipping hundreds of thousands more.

When Trump took office, there were 16,660 ventilators in the national stockpile. NY has now received 4,000 of them (24% of the stockpile) and Cuomo is saying his state needs 40,000. Trump knew 16,660 was not enough for this pandemic, so what does he do? Worked with private industry to produce more. There are small manufacturers who stepped up to the plate volunteering their resources to manufacture more and others who are rebuilding non-working ventilators to work. GM came forward and volunteered to make thousands of them, but then decided to get greedy and demand much higher prices for them. What's Trump do? Uses his Constitutional authority forcing GM to make them for lower prices than what they wanted.

The left is accusing Trump of disbanding the pandemic response team in the NSC, but that's not true either. He downsized the NSC and reassigned pandemics to the that assesses biological weapon attacks. It makes sense to me because usually when a biological weapon is used, the response has to be quicker because the immediate contamination is greater and you have to contain the effects to keep them from spreading.

Pelosi wants to politicize this epidemic for the same reason she let the impeachment take place - to remove Trump from office and if not, to keep him from being re-elected. She forgets how she publicly voiced her opinion when Trump restricted travel to and from China, calling a bad and unnecessary move. She did the same thing when he restricted travel to and from Europe. I think she voiced opposition only for political reasons. She would have come out and voiced support if it were a Democratic sitting in the WH who ordered the restrictions.

Nancy is pissed because 60% of Americans approve of how Trump is handling the pandemic. That same poll shows 25% of Democrats approve how he's handling it as well. The pandemic is forefront in the news and it's taken Biden completely out of the limelight. He has screwed up badly the few times he has been able to get some time in the news. It's a shame Nancy feels it necessary to make this epidemic a political issue rather than what it really is - a potential disaster for the health and safety of the American people. I hope Nancy loses her position in the House.