Trump says he "authorized" government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys a monument or statue

I am shocked that a CBS Headline is intentionally misleading once again...

President Trump said in a tweet on Tuesday he has "authorized the Federal Government to arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such Federal property in the U.S.

The headline makes it seem like he is trying to tell cities and states what to do about their property, which he doesn't have the authority to do.
Yep, so far he's letting the state and local authorities handle their he should.
I jumped a lefty about wanting to take down all the statues and blast the carving off if Stone Mountain. I told him that Stone Mountain was a Confederate memorial park. Why not move the statues there. That could be the museum the left claims should have the statues. His answer? It's racist.
I jumped a lefty about wanting to take down all the statues and blast the carving off if Stone Mountain. I told him that Stone Mountain was a Confederate memorial park. Why not move the statues there. That could be the museum the left claims should have the statues. His answer? It's racist.
So many who claim the statutes in public places endorses slavery and the statutes should be moved to museums. We all know it wouldn't end there. Once in museums, the left would start to say they still endorse slavery and should be destroyed.

These people destroying statutes are stupid and prove public schools don't teach American History. A statute of U.S. Grant was destroyed in San Francisco. Anyone who really knows history, would know Grant who also served as president came from a family of abolitionists and served as the commanding general of the Union army that fought and defeated the Confederates. He created the Dept of Justice to enforce the basic rights of blacks. Also as president, he signed the first Civil Rights Act.