Well, I finally did it.

mei lan said:
MacDaddy said:
shade tree mechanic style, takes a couple of hours.

Thanks for the smile, Mac. My Daddy was a shade tree mechanic. He taught me many things about working on my own car.

Any time. ;)

I still enjoy working on cars from time to time. I'm a bit choosy on what I do, as the mind is willing but the body is getting a bit rusty. I won't change the oil as it doesn't save much $$, and it's a pain to clean-up. Did just do the brakes on Mrs. Mac's car. I'm betting GD has a lot of auto repair stories to tell.
MrsB said:
Yikes, Fox! MrB has agreed to call around. Thank goodness. He was just worried because of the computer stuff. The folks at Kauffman told him it needed to go to the dealer.

Maybe something I don't know about, but I can't imagine what the radiator has to do with the computer.
Me either. Who knows. We just got a bill from a dermatologist that MrB saw.... In 2008. I could only laugh. Laugh, laugh, laugh. It's probably nothing to worry about, but it will be fun making calls Monday.

Forget beer. Where's ShoeDiva and her vodka? Haha
I'm sorry it seems to keep piling on, MrsB. None of those is fun it they all stink even more for happening at the same time. And I agree with the earlier anti-Kauffman sentiment. I'll never throw a shadow on their door ever again.
I do some bid'ness at Kauffman and I really haven't had any bad experiences.

Of course, I'm a man and those places usually don't give guys as much crap.
Yeah, I haven't heard too many good things about them. It just happens to be close to MrBs office.
Guard Dad said:
I do some bid'ness at Kauffman and I really haven't had any bad experiences.

Of course, I'm a man and those places usually don't give guys as much crap.
They don't pull any of the usual "She's a chick so lets hose her" crap with me but I'll be darned if they can figure out how to tighten lugs properly. Any time they have ever touched tires on a vehicle of mine they have either been so loose I could turn them by hand or so insanely over-tightened that they had to be drilled off. If you can't get something that basic right, everything else is called into question in my book.