Why Do I Doubt the Swamp Will Do Anything?

Far West

Pursuit Driver
Don't you just want your daughter to grow up to be just like her... what a role model....

FBI Reviewing Claims that Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother
Two FBI agents went to Minnesota in October to interview someone with knowledge of the situation, who handed over numerous documents that could prove the case against Omar. The claims maintain that Omar’s first husband, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, is her own brother, and that she only married him so that he could get a green card to come to America.
Omar has made numerous anti-Semitic, anti-white, and anti-American statements, and also drew fury for describing 9/11 as “some people did something.”

She also recently divorced her second husband and father of her three children, Ahmed Hirsi, due to an affair she was having with political consultant Tim Mynett. Mynett, who has been paid heavily by Omar’s campaign since her first congressional run in 2018, is also married, but left his wife and child to be with the 38-year-old Omar.

Oh HONEY: Ilhan Omar asking tweeps to ‘retweet’ if their ancestors wouldn’t be allowed in Trump’s America goes SO wrong

You’d think with all of the various investigations going on into Ilhan Omar she would be more careful about the things she tweets, especially when it comes to immigration.

But nope.

She sent out this nugget of ‘wisdom’ after SCOTUS ruled in favor of the Trump administration’s wealth test for immigrants (so people don’t just come to this country to live off those who already live here):

Maybe we missed it but when most of our ancestors came to the ‘new country’ there were no welfare programs in place …

And that’s just a poem, Ilhan.

Not everyone is willing to marry their brother.
