Why I Praise God for the good things


zip a dee doo dah
And don't blame Him for bad things. :sermon

I thought I would share this. The question was asked how can you praise God for blessings and not blame him for the bad things that happen. For me, the answer is simple. If it isn't for you, that's okay. I do understand that. But, I'll share as best I can. If I leave anything out, feel free to ask. If you have something to add, please do so.

God IS pure love. I don't believe He "causes" bad things to happen to us to "bring us into line" or correct us (although some may tell you that). I don't have a car accident because I've sinned. I think we, by seeking God in prayer, can use the bad things that happen to our own benefit. The Bible tells us in rains on the just and the unjust. He never tells us to follow Him and life will be easy, only that the load will be easier to bear. When bad things happen, God feels our pain, is very present with us, and works to bring out the best in a bad situation. There isn't a secret to it. It's simply living in pure love. Is that hard to do? Yes, as humans, it absolutely is hard. But, it is a choice we have to make each day when we wake up. Today, I will find the good, I won't let negativity effect me, and I will live in love.

There is also evil in the world. God doesn't pick and choose who gets cancer and who doesn't. In some cases, it's our lifestyle choices. Other times, there simply isn't an explanation. I can't tell you why children get cancer. I can't explain why children die.

I also can't explain why, when those times come, and they do come, the words that people use to try and comfort you. Honestly, I believe the words are spoken in an attempt to comfort and console, but I also think they are SO misguided. I could list the misguided words I've heard repeated, but I won't right now. Because, there could have been a time when any of us have used them in an attempt to comfort. I can tell you that now, when confronted with the task of trying to comfort someone who has lost a loved one, I simply say "I'm so very sorry" and then I just hold them and let them grieve. Or I share stories of that person that are dear to me.

You may ask why doesn't God intervene? I believe that sometimes he does in response to the prayers of the faithful. But I also know that each and every one of us make choices daily in our lives, and I know that God gave each and every one of us free will to choose. He didn't deny anyone that.
