Dems to Reignite Gun Control Debate



It appears some Democrats want to further politicize the Tucson shootings by introducing gun control measures.

In 2008 and 2009, Giffords signed on to briefs to the Supreme Court urging justices to overturn gun control laws that severely restricted the access of those who sought to purchase and own firearms. In both cases, the court ruled to roll back the restrictions. At the time, Giffords noted the “long tradition” of gun ownership in the United States adding, “It is a tradition which every law-abiding citizen should be able to enjoy."

Many of Giffords’ Democratic colleagues are taking a different tone, including Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., who said Sunday, "Guns kill. And those who glamorize gunplay or worship gun ownership do no service to humanity."

On Monday, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., announced that he is working with Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., on legislation that would ban the manufacture and sale of high-capacity ammunition clips like the one allegedly used by Tucson shooting suspect Jared Loughner.

The DNC would love nothing more than to totally disarm the citizens of this country. When are the people in this country going to wake up and realize the Democratic Party of today is nothing more than a Socialist movement?
We need to start putting limits on kitchen knives, matches, gasoline, cars, boats, glass, etc. All these things kill too. Where are these idiot democrats wanting to put limit on these?
We knew this was going to happen. Next will be what you can and what you can't say. Oh wait that's the PC police. Sorry
gog8tors said:
We knew this was going to happen. Next will be what you can and what you can't say. Oh wait that's the PC police. Sorry
That's already in the works too. A Dem is already drafting a Bill about that.
That's right NJ. They want to control our speech on the radio. I wonder why those lamoes over "there" don't post any articles about that? We know.
so dumb. i have never seen a gun get up and load itself. then point itself at someone and fire itself. if the gun control lobby has it their way, the only one who have guns will the criminal themselves. i would be willing to bet that their backsides will be protected.