Have you noticed ???


Pursuit Driver
Have you noticed that the STRAWMAN defense has replaced
any sort of logical reasonable debate from the left these days ?

Just sayin... :p
I am going to pretend that you said something else and argue against that
fake position because I have no reasonable defense to counter your response...

Foxmeister said:
Where's she been?

I don't know. I need to check on her. Maybe she's simply enjoying time with the baby since she really won't be a baby much longer. She could in fact be mobile now which brings life to a whole new level.
Madea said:
Foxmeister said:
Where's she been?

I don't know. I need to check on her. Maybe she's simply enjoying time with the baby since she really won't be a baby much longer. She could in fact be mobile now which brings life to a whole new level.

Yes, the baby bunny has been keeping us pretty busy.
She is now walking, talking, dancing, and learning to read.
Not much time or energy for playing around on the internets...

(right now she is watching a Baby Einstein video while she
zooms around the living room in circles on her Wheely Bug...)