Baltimore Murder Soars...

Heck, there were 56 people shot (no not by cops) in Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend.
Twelve of those shot were killed.
Again, this took place over one holiday weekend.
Heck, we had a war (Desert Storm) where the casualty rate for a week or two weren't that high.

Perhaps what is needed in Chicago is to get rid of that right wing, conservative, only care about the rich, don't understand about the poor people, government that has been running this city for so long and bring in some left wing, liberal, understanding, care about the poor and down trodden people government for a while.
Then that new government could then work on social programs, gun control, more understanding of why these poor unfortunates commit crimes and then, maybe, just maybe then, things could get better.

What's that?
Say what?
You have to be kidding me!
It can't be true!
You mean that the loving, caring, understanding liberals have been running the show for decades?

There used to be a saying back in the late 70s and early 80s, when all the people from Michigan were leaving the state and running to the south.
That saying was, "Will the last person to leave the state, please turn off the lights."

Will the last person alive and unhurt in Chicago, please turn off the lights.
The result of liberals in charge of most ALL major American cities. And when the police get no support from the public and even their own local government, who can blame them? I'd like to see that dumbass mayor and attorney general put on a badge and gun for a day.
honeybunny date=1432732038 said:
My great grandparents lived in Baltimore for 50 years
and I still have lots of extended family in Ocean City... :(

When you make the police afraid to police :

Not to mention the numerous murders and attacks on law enforcement
that seem to have spiked over the last couple of weeks... media silence.

Fact: Most US service members killed during the course of Desert Storm were killed in vehicle accidents than any other source. You are right; Chicago is a lot more dangerous.
Until people decide to support their police again, they will have to make peace with the criminals!

This will all get a lot worse (in a lot more cities) before things get better.