Biden coronavirus adviser wants US to distribute vaccine globally before it's available to all Americans

Can't we all just take an aspirin then say it's the magic pill that cured Covid so we can get back to living.
I read a "position paper" in Science magazine by a group of medical ethicists with the lead author being Ezekiel Emanuel.. They recommend using the vaccine to implement "medical justice". They would give the vaccine to countries that they claim are medically deprived first regardless of the death or spread rate. I kid you not. I had to read it three times. They call the plan the "Fair Priority Model and their goal is "distributive justice".

If you think this will never happen, the lead author Ezekiel Emanuel is on Biden's Covid task force.

The flip side of it is that "they" can be the live guinea pigs which obviously should raise cries from the liberals over how unfair if implemented.
Now Biden says there will be contact tracing.

Get ready fro big brother to track everything we do.