Christianity versus liberalism.

Far West

Pursuit Driver
Someone posted an interesting thought.

While Christianity offers a blueprint for civilization, liberalism offers plans for its destruction.

I know many liberals are Christians ... How do you think that works? :dunno Today's liberalism, essentially, is a primitive counter-Christian religion.

There are so many examples in the Bible, is it just a case of man's: failure to know his history and he's doomed to repeat it?

Is it man's arrogance and lack of humility? With arrogance, comes entitlement.... thoughts? :dunno
My thoughts are that liberalism is a political philosophy and Christianity is a religion. They are not the same thing and are not related. Some liberals believe their political philosophy is the best way to live their Christian religion.

For the record, I am not liberal (nor am I conservative). I consider myself libertarian, though I am also Christian. I believe a libertarian type government is best for my Christian faith.
I honestly don't know how some Christians justify their liberal beliefs. It truly confounds me. Jesus never charged us to have the government take care of our neighbors, he charged us to do that. We are also instructed that if we want to eat, we work.

I agree that liberalism is a political philosophy and Christianity is a religion. Our liberal PC world has led to intolerance of people who follow the principles and traditions of their church.

We now turn a blind eye to things that, in the past, society would not tolerate. Mocker and chief said as much;

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, … And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them. ~0bama April 2008

Morality, our laws, a civil society are all interrelated which also includes politics since we have a Constitutional Republic.


I think our church and church leaders need to do a better job of helping people chose to live a better life based on their own Christian principles.

I do not think morality can be governed. There must be a change in the heart ... this is where our religion can strengthen those areas that many struggle.

We Christians also follow the pop culture, even when we see it hurting our society. If as a society, for instance, people stopped watching train wreak TV, promiscuous sex movies and TV shows, graphically violent movies, or porn for that matter ... there would be NO MARKET and they would CEASE to be.

The value system of our current culture is destructive… our churches and its leaders have lost the battle of inspiring us to be more, and have higher standards.

Example… man wearing woman’s underwear allowed to fly on a plane. They asked a kid whose butt was sticking out his pants to pull the pants up. Neither person should have FELT comfortable walking around as they were… but we have no standards anymore. In our current political culture, I am intolerant for even stating this.



Liberalism; State sponsored infanticide, loss of prayer in schools, lack of corporal punishment in schools, lenient liberal judges that let criminals go free with just a slap on the wrist, excessive violence on TV and in the movies, add in some music, along with violent video games. The lack of personal responsibility promoted by our government by not having to work for your living, socialist healthcare, single parents, loose women and men, men not taking responsibility for their children (this is mostly the last 25 years)

I continue to wait for society to say enough is enough … for our religious leaders to challenge their followers to step up.

ADD in the liberal media who poison any thought not in lock step with the progressives POLITICS.

An interesting interview with John Mackey Whole Foods CEO;

Question: Why don't more business leaders speak their minds openly?

Answer: I'm an enthusiastic proponent of the First Amendment. I believe in a vibrant democracy that encourages freedom of speech. I therefore believe business leaders should speak out openly when they believe it is appropriate to do so. Unfortunately most do not, for fear of attacks by the media and by various pressure groups and special interests. These attacks create a "chilling effect" that I believe is harmful to the greater good.

He was filleted by NPR 2 days later (Oh, what a surprise! ::) )and walked back his criticism of 0bama's health care. :dunno

“Technically speaking, it's more like fascism. Socialism is where the government owns the means of production. In fascism, the government doesn't own the means of production, but they do control it — and that's what's happening with our health care programs and these reforms.”

The comment drew a firestorm of criticism – including from angry Whole Foods shoppers who vowed to boycott the store – and forced Mackey to step back his comments.