Don\'t forget about me this weekend



My community is having a yard sale and I need you to come and buy my stuff so I can get new stuff

I am in The Georgian.... if you wanna come see me I am on Dorchester way
at 4 way stop( @ club house) turn left onto hanover then 1st left onto Tempelton the 1st left onto dorchester... I have some neat stuff

My washer went out... come support the clean clothes charity at my house so I can get a new one :slappy
sadie612 said:
My community is having a yard sale and I need you to come and buy my stuff so I can get new stuff

I am in The Georgian.... if you wanna come see me I am on Dorchester way
at 4 way stop( @ club house) turn left onto hanover then 1st left onto Tempelton the 1st left onto dorchester... I have some neat stuff

My washer went out... come support the clean clothes charity at my house so I can get a new one :slappy
Oh my gee..we went once and it was a nightmare. Parking and driving. People literally yelling at you to get the heck (and they didn't use that word) out of their way. I made my friend leave, I couldn't take it. Apparently people were serious about getting a deal!
ShoeDiva said:
sadie612 said:
My community is having a yard sale and I need you to come and buy my stuff so I can get new stuff

I am in The Georgian.... if you wanna come see me I am on Dorchester way
at 4 way stop( @ club house) turn left onto hanover then 1st left onto Tempelton the 1st left onto dorchester... I have some neat stuff

My washer went out... come support the clean clothes charity at my house so I can get a new one :slappy
Oh my gee..we went once and it was a nightmare. Parking and driving. People literally yelling at you to get the heck (and they didn't use that word) out of their way. I made my friend leave, I couldn't take it. Apparently people were serious about getting a deal!

uo are more than welcome to park at my house