Don\'t get me wrong. I could get sick tomorrow...but

Grey Colson

Staff member
I really don't understand the mind set of grown people who abuse sick leave. There's no doubt that each of us get "the bug" every once in a while, but it will pass in what, 24-48 hours. But these people who drag their sick days out for 4 or 5 days just KILL ME!

I'll tell you something. If I'm SO SICK that I have to be out of work for 4 or 5 days, you'll be visiting me in the hospital....

Now these are people in their 20s and 30s. I'm not patting myself on the back, but here I sit...49 years old and can lay my hand on the Bible and say that the last time I took sick leave was in 1992 when my supervisor walked in and saw me puking in the restroom. He ordered me home and told me NOT to come back the next day.

And here's the kicker. This is par for the course for this supervisor. YES! I said "supervisor". Real good example for the troops to emulate pal. And yet, people who abuse their leave actually ask for promotion and even more responsibility. :GUN

Just makes me scratch my head. Okay, I'll shut up for a minute. :-X
naturegirl said:
I understand completely!! Sick days doesn't mean you get to stay home on a nice day!! :Stick

It's funny how this pretty weather is affecting my health...::cough:: ::cough:: Pardon me. :'(
Ugh, i hate that. I rarely have taken off for being sick. If so, it was only for a day. Last year I couldn't shake a bad sinus infection so it was maybe three days off over about two months. BUT I as at the doc's office for scripts those three days.

I did take two weeks in the fall of 2008 when I was in the hospital for a week, and ended up having surgery (unplanned). The next week I was out to recover but I went back the week after that. I couldn't stand not working.
If I began sharing stories of my young co-worker you would be amazed. She has caused me to question the work ethic of her entire generation. UGH
Madea said:
If I began sharing stories of my young co-worker you would be amazed. She has caused me to question the work ethic of her entire generation. UGH
I have a friend that had 8 W-2s for 2007. Yes, 8, just for 2007. In 2006 I think she had 5. For 2008 she had 3 that I know of.

She'll be 30 in September.