For those of you who may not know...


God, Family, and Country!!!
Staff member
...iPads and other hand-held devices are useless for day-to-day work purposes.

My laptop charger died Tuesday morning so I had to order a new one. While I waited for it to be deliver I worked from my iPad.


The new cord delivered today and I'm happily back on the laptop. I love my iPad but it's useful only for the most basic of functions.
...iPads and other hand-held devices are useless for day-to-day work purposes.

My laptop charger died Tuesday morning so I had to order a new one. While I waited for it to be deliver I worked from my iPad.


The new cord delivered today and I'm happily back on the laptop. I love my iPad but it's useful only for the most basic of functions.

If it won't get you on the HWY,,, junk it!!!!!!
If you do not like typing on a screen instead of a keyboard then it sucks. But adding a bluetooth keyboard helps. It takes some getting used to and depending on what you do on a daily basis it can definite be a hindrance.