Homeschool Blog...


Pursuit Driver
Share what you are doing if you have young kids at home...

It's important to maintain some semblance of structure and routine,
hopefully the Kiddo will learn a few useful things during this break...

Mom School Day #1 :

7:30 = Wake Up Kiddo & Breakfast
8:00 = Workout with Mom (PE)
Treadmill, free weights, and dancing to 80's Pop Hits
(Music Appreciation)
8:30 = Shower, brush teeth, get dressed.
9:00 - 10:30 = Online School (really happy with the lesson plans so far...)
10:30 - 11:00 = Household chores (Home Economics)
11:00 - 12:00 = Soap On A Rope Craft Kit (Science)
12:00 - 1:00 = Lunch & "Babies" documentary on Netflix Episode 1 (Developmental Psychology)
1:00 - 2:00 = Quiet reading & Mommy nap time...
2:00 - 3:00 = Driveway Basketball (Recess)
3:00 - 4:00 = Dr.Phil (Social Studies) *Optional
Update : The Soap On A Rope kit went arwy... Kiddo "lost" the molds, so we had to borrow from her chemistry set. The wax bubbled over in the microwave and we lost about half. Ended up with 7 large grape sized balls of pink glitter soap sans rope... Abandoned documentary after 20 minutes and now watching Fuller House. Made mock school lunches on trays with chicken sandwiches, cheese & applesauce.
Mom School Day #2 :

7:30 = Wake up Kiddo & Breakfast

8:00 = Workout with Mom (she opted out today and traded for an art & crafts project)
Apparently watching Mom's groovy dance moves to 60's rock is totes "supercreepy..."
(insert fake gagging sounds here.)

8:30 - 10:00 = Online School (Thank heavens ! ! !)

10:00 - 11:00 = Arts & Crafts (we melted shaved crayons betweens pieces of wax paper
and framed them in construction paper, looks really cool when you hold it up to the window.)
Kiddo learned knife skills and how to properly use an iron...

11:00 - 12:00 = Baking chocolate chip cookies (Science)

12:00 - 1:00 = Lunch & TV Time (Spaghettios & cheese sticks)

1:00 - 2:00 = Quiet Reading & Mommy Nap Time (we're gonna need a lot more books...)

2:00 - 3:00 = Recess (go pick up all the sticks and rocks out of the yard, so Daddy can mow.)
Update : The Soap On A Rope kit went arwy... Kiddo "lost" the molds, so we had to borrow from her chemistry set. The wax bubbled over in the microwave and we lost about half. Ended up with 7 large grape sized balls of pink glitter soap sans rope... Abandoned documentary after 20 minutes and now watching Fuller House. Made mock school lunches on trays with chicken sandwiches, cheese & applesauce.
Perfect...even if not planned... we call that fake it till you make it.
On a more somber note... my little Sister (teacher) called me last night in tears, as school in Kansas has been canceled for the entire year.
She is devastated, as I'm sure many high school and college students are right now. They've lost something that can never be replaced.

My very energetic and creative 10 year old Kiddo will be probably soon devastated as well...
She had such plans for drama club and bible school and park ranger camp this summer...
She thrives on social interaction (unlike her Mother) and her entire world has been shrunken...
I hope to rise to the occasion, but have to admit that replacing "real" school will be a daunting task.
Mom School Day #3 :

7:30 = Wake Up Kiddo & Breakfast
8:00 = Mom did a workout, Kiddo opted for cartoons.
8:30 - 10:00 = Online School while Mom did chores...
10:00 - 12:00 = Piano lessons on Youtube (Music)
12:00 - 1:00 = Lunch and TV Time (Tuna sandwiches and goldfish crackers)
1:00 - 2:00 = Quiet reading and Mom's Nap Time (Kiddo also fell asleep, probably from boredom.)
2:00 - 3:00 = Went for a walk in the woods and identified different types of fungus and plants. (Science)
Mom School Day #4 :

Workout with Mom (PE)
1 hour Online School
1 hour computer coding exercises
Daddy takes Kiddo to play golf and Mommy gets 4 whole hours to herself...
Home pedicure, relaxing on the sofa, and laundry.