In case you’ve ever wondered....


God, Family, and Country!!!
Staff member hurts like “hello” when you miss the padding and kick the hard plastic target stand filled with water when attempting a roundhouse kick in TKD.

You’re welcome!!!

I did TaikWanDo (did I spell that right) when I was younger...

Have thought about it for fun... stay in shape.

OTOH... Mr 'nine' is more effective...
If ducking out and leaving does not work.
I did TaikWanDo (did I spell that right) when I was younger...

Have thought about it for fun... stay in shape.

OTOH... Mr 'nine' is more effective...
If ducking out and leaving does not work.
Agree on the “nine.” At my age I’m only doing TKD and HKD for the workouts and overall fitness although I’ve loved martial arts since my younger days. As the old saying goes, “I’m too old and fat to run.”
Agree on the “nine.” At my extremely old age I’m only doing TKD and HKD for the workouts and overall fitness although I’ve loved martial arts since my younger days. As the old saying goes, “I’m too old and fat to run.”
Fixed your post...
Agree on the “nine.” At my age I’m only doing TKD and HKD for the workouts and overall fitness although I’ve loved martial arts since my younger days. As the old saying goes, “I’m too old and fat to run.”
Psssst... stick with the story your foot was too injured to run.... you know.... from when you miss the padding and kick the hard plastic target stand filled with water when attempting a roundhouse kick in TKD. The "nine" does not work out and get hurt... just say'n :whistle::thumbsup:
Went to class Saturday morning but couldn’t put much weight on it. I’m on schedule to be able to test in December and can only afford to miss one class between now and then. If I don’t test in December then I’d have to wait until June. I just hope none of the little bones are fractured.
View attachment 7792
Went to class Saturday morning but couldn’t put much weight on it. I’m on schedule to be able to test in December and can only afford to miss one class between now and then. If I don’t test in December then I’d have to wait until June. I just hope none of the little bones are fractured.

That's enough to make me cuss,,, and it's not my foot!!!!!
View attachment 7792
Went to class Saturday morning but couldn’t put much weight on it. I’m on schedule to be able to test in December and can only afford to miss one class between now and then. If I don’t test in December then I’d have to wait until June. I just hope none of the little bones are fractured.

Ouch! Hope it heals soon!
The discoloration is mostly gone but there’s still swelling in some areas. I keep it taped to the next toe for support. I’m getting by but it’s still painful, especially when wearing dress shoes or boots. It’s amazing how much you need your big toe and feet for support and stability. Thanks for asking.
The discoloration is mostly gone but there’s still swelling in some areas. I keep it taped to the next toe for support. I’m getting by but it’s still painful, especially when wearing dress shoes or boots. It’s amazing how much you need your big toe and feet for support and stability. Thanks for asking.
Too bad you don't live where you can wear flip flops all year long! Dress shoes and boots with broken toes suck!
Get some over-sized black sneakers... unless someone looks down... they will not know the difference.
If they do... it is an opportunity for some jovial conversation with some (somewhat inflated) stories... make new friends with the laughing... grin!