Interesting Article : If you are a vaccine company executive, it's time to slam the brakes

Far West

Pursuit Driver

Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla sees the dangers ahead, as his very carefully worded interview (worthy of close review) with CNBC yesterday shows.​

Remember NINJA loans?
NINJA stood for “No income, no job/assets.” Back in the mid-aughts, when the banks and not the regulators were the ones going crazy and setting the financial system on fire with free money, they were all the rage.

I remember hearing ads for them in 2006 and 2007 and thinking, this has to be a bait and switch. You cannot walk into Your Friendly MegaBank and walk out with a few hundred grand for a house with no proof you even have a job! A job seems pretty basic.

But you could. And people did. Lots of people.

Underlying this madness was a model, naturally. American housing prices had never collapsed nationally and simultaneously since at least the Depression. Therefore the models that the banks and mortgage originators used said they never would.

Therefore on a national basis the collateral - the houses - underlying the mortgages would always be fine, even if the borrowers couldn’t repay them. The lenders just needed to be in different markets to be geographically protected. Besides, the bankers were all reselling the loans and offloading the risk. They got paid up front, whether the loans were paid back or not.

It was a very good business.

Until it went bad.

“How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked.
“Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually, then suddenly.”

You remember 2008. You were there.

In a matter of months, the big banks became the most hated institutions in the United States. The desperation to blame them ran so deep that we all seemed to agree collectively that the borrowers were the victims. The people who had taken the money had no responsibility for signing those loans, much less repaying them.

Obviously, that formulation was simplistic. Many of the NINJA and similar borrowers no doubt understood the game they were playing. They were hoping to buy and flip houses they couldn’t afford.

No matter. They had lost. Anyway, we couldn’t make villains out of millions of ordinary people. So we understandably focused our anger on the Wall Street tycoons who had crashed our financial system and made hundreds of billions of dollars.

Fast-forward to 2022.

This time around the myth of the truly innocent victim is not a myth.

The hundreds of millions of people who have received shots of mRNA/LNP and DNA/AAV Covid vaccines had no real idea what they were taking.

They did so on the urging of the vaccine companies and health authorities, who told them that in doing so they would protect themselves and their families and end the Covid epidemic. The statements were public. Many are less than a year old. They cannot be suppressed or memory-holed, no matter how hard anyone wants to try.

Every single one of those statements has proven wrong - so wrong that the companies, which are at much greater legal risk than the public health authorities - no longer even try to defend them.

Here’s what Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s chief executive officer, said on Monday in an interview on CNBC:

The hope is that we will achieve something that will have way, way better protection, particularly against infections because the protection against the hospitalizations and the severe disease, it is, it is reasonable right now, with the current vaccines as long as you are having let’s say the third dose.


Read those words very carefully.

Protection against “severe disease” is “reasonable right now” for people who have taken a “third dose” of Pfizer’s vaccine.

Put aside the fact that even those words are at best an optimistic interpretation of current data.

Put aside the fact that Pfizer has NEVER compared a three-dose vaccine regimen to a placebo in a clinical trial.

Put aside the fact that “reasonable right now” suggests that any effect of a third dose will not last.

Even against “the hospitalizations and the severe disease.”

You need to be “having let’s say the third dose” for protection against those.

I didn’t say it.

Pfizer’s CEO did. (And I can’t wait to see Twitter’s lawyers try to explain it when they defend my fifth strike. It goes WAY further than that tweet did.)

Most people don’t understand yet how badly they were conned.

But they will.

The raw numbers are stark - in Ontario, for example, 76 percent of hospitalized people and 56 percent of those in intensive care are now vaccinated. Both the raw numbers and the percentages have soared in the last two weeks.

The data out of Europe are similar. The only reason the American data look different is that we don’t get to see the raw numbers. Instead, health authorities provide meaningless adjusted rate ratios (adjusted for age of vaccinated people, but NOT for healthy vaccine user bias - the fact that frailest elderly people are often not vaccinated because they cannot be.) Further, American hospitals report people as unvaccinated when their vaccine status is “unknown,” further skewing the ratios.

But you can trust Albert Bourla: vaccine protection against severe outcomes drops over time - and drops much more quickly against the Omicron variant.

That’s one side of the coin.

The flip side is adverse events. We don’t know how bad those are after a third dose, much less a fourth or fifth or more. (How can we? Remember, the companies didn’t test three doses against placebo.)

But the third-shot myocarditis data looks bad. It suggests a dose-dependent response. And the rise in all-cause deaths across Europe in the last few months cannot be ignored, even if the health authorities are ignoring it.

I suspect the smartest people at the companies are increasingly aware of the potential crisis of repeated dosing. Which may be why Bourla also said in the CNBC interview, “I don’t know if there is a need for a fourth booster.”

What? In the same interview where Pfizer’s CEO warned people not to expect long-lasting protection from a third shot - “reasonable right now” - he also pivoted away from more boosters?

Instead Bourla talked up Paxlovid, his company’s new $530 per treatment antiviral. “This is where most of the effort of most of the governments is moving.”
Actually Paxlovid is basically unavailable right now; Pfizer has promised 120 million doses worldwide in 2022, but as of 10 days ago, only 180,000 were available.

So what’s Bourla’s game? Doesn’t he want to sell as many vaccines as he can?

Maybe not. Especially not with a drug that potentially can be huge ($530 x 120 million = $62 billion, give or take, and Pfizer won’t have to share it with BioNTech).
More important for Bourla, the real risk to Pfizer - and to him - comes from side effects. People will be angry when they figure out that they’ve been conned into taking vaccines that didn’t work. But most of them won’t be furious, especially since Omicron appears much milder than earlier variants. Zero efficacy probably won’t
destroy Pfizer or get anyone indicted.

But side effects might. People will be FURIOUS if they think they been conned into taking vaccines that didn’t work and potentially hurt them, or their parents, or their kids.

Right now the rate of reported serious vaccine injury is just low enough that the companies and vaccine fanatics can argue it’s not real, it’s a statistical artifact, the VAERS reports are fake (they’re not), etc. The third dose appears to be changing that equation somewhat.

Who knows what future doses will bring? Nobody, including Albert Bourla, though his scientists may have shot up enough mice and monkeys to give him a better idea than the rest of us.

Unlike BioNTech and Moderna, Pfizer isn’t stuck with mRNA. It is a $300 billion pharmaceutical company that is busily taking its vaccine loot to buy lots of research. Plus it now has Paxlovid.

(Big investors have figured all this out, by the way. The stocks of BioNTech and Moderna are down more than 50 percent since the peak of the vaccine frenzy in August, while Pfizer’s is up 20 percent and near an all-time high. Like Big Pharma, Wall Street is a lot of things, but it ain’t dumb.)

So the prudent move for Albert Bourla, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, PhD., is to begin to tamp expectations for vaccines, slow-walk more boosters, and hope that
Omicron does his job for him. His biggest problem is probably that the public health authorities are a lot stupider than he is and continue to push boosters.

I’d love to know what Pfizer is telling them privately. I’m gonna guess it’s not in email, though.

By Alex Berenson​

3 hr ago
The problem isn't at all that "we" were "duped" or "hoped for" something we didn't get.

"We" were FORCED, bullied, coerced, threatened, imprisoned, fired. I promise you 90% or more of the people shot up with this shit aren't mentally ill internet fanatics- they just had their jobs, kids, and freedom threatened. (We can argue about whether their capitulation makes them weak).

They weren't excited about "safe and effective." They were forced.

All of this is about the fact that allegedly free nations became fascist states overnight and forced an innocent, 99% safe populace to take a drug at legal gunpoint.

I could give a shit about someone who seeks out and buys heroin and sticks it in their arm.

We had drug dealers come to our house and tell us they'd take the house and our children and lock us in the backs of their cars if we didn't stick it in our arm.\

I'm more confused than a fat kid with salad.

I've been double jabbed, but I ain't up for getting a booster (essentially a third jab) anytime soon.

It begs the question: Where & when does this all end ?

If their is a paycheck in it for the government, along with a healthy dose of crowd control, this thing might last forever, amiright ??
I don't know. None of this makes sense... it hasn't since we locked down our whole country, Sweden did not, and the results were the same.

My lockdown and experience is much more dramatic living in California under Governor Newsom. He locked down San Diego lumping us in with Los Angeles when we were not having the deaths or overburdened hospitals... but it worked to keep another 3.5 million people afraid... The citizens were and still are afraid. Still shaming everyone to mask up and get a booster... you dirty, unclean, unvaxxed and unmasked .

GD asked a few days ago how all these countries leaders could be on the same page locking their citizens down?

Insisting on a vaccine for a virus that is 99.82% survivable for those under 65 years of age.

Vaxxing children 5 to 18 who have no risk if they get Covid, but absolutely have risk taking an untested, rushed to market, vaccine that young boys are getting enlarged hearts, that will be a lifelong problem for them.

Taking away the right to work if you don't get a vaccine... a vaccine that it became apparent during the Delta variant, that it did not stop the virus. Yet they said it made it less sever. (And how do you know if it did indeed make it less sever? We had no blind testing.) Now we know most deaths were those with 4 underlying conditions. Many died with Covid, not because of Covid. Yet the media and officials kept us in fear to control us. giving us statistics based on percentages, not numbers we could look at.

Check out this site:

There is this book... Glenn Beck is out there, but he was 100% right during the 0BaMa years:

An international conspiracy between powerful bankers, business leaders, and government officials; closed-door meetings in the Swiss Alps; and calls for a radical transformation of every society on earth — the Great Reset.

But the Great Reset is not a work of fiction. It is a highly influential movement among the world’s elite to “reset” the global economy using banks, government programs, and environmental, social, and governance metrics. If they are successful and the Great Reset is finalized, it would put substantially more economic and social power in the hands of large corporations, international institutions, banks, and government officials, including Joe Biden, the United Nations, and many of the members of the World Economic Forum.

In "The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st-Century Fascism," Glenn Beck uses his trademark blend of humor, storytelling, and detailed analysis to reveal for the first time the unbelievable truth about the Great Reset, tying together nearly two decades of groundbreaking research about authoritarian movements and their efforts to fundamentally transform the United States.

The road map to stopping the Great Reset begins with fully understanding what the free peoples of the world are up against, and no resource provides more information about this radical movement than Glenn Beck’s " The Great Reset: Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st-Century Fascism."
I acknowledge that the vaccines probably saved some lives for awhile.

But as most of you know, I dig into the numbers and research daily, and I see the real stats. With Delta, the vaccines were only marginally effective, might have kept some from getting as seriously ill. With Omicron, I doubt they are doing much of anything. The real numbers indicate that Omicron is now going back and getting the people who dodged the bullet with the original virus. Yes, an equitable trade, getting a mild virus instead of one that kills people. So I'm admitting that it likely bought us some time and saved lives. But point being, it's no longer working so well.

So the hysterical push for vaccine mandates and similar requirements are just not supported by the real science right now.

So people are asking why...why the government and big business continues to mandate what is not working so great now? And we deserve answers. Unless that many leaders and business execs are really this stupid, there's more at play here than protecting people's health.

And for the millionth time, why no official recognition of natural immunity? Europe and Israel accepts it, but our government does not.. I have listened to many qualified scientists and virologists who state natural immunity is real, yet the people who are supposed to know, Fauci and Walensky dodge questions about it.

It doesn't take a genus to see that something is wrong here. Just what kind of deal did our government make with Big Pharma? Or are our leaders getting rich off milking the vaccines for all they are worth?

Of the three in my office who got it; all three vaccinated, one recently boosted. The boosted one seemed to have the mildest case, maybe it helped a little.

"She who adores me's" boss has it right now (yes, "She who adores me was exposed too, but hasn't gotten it yet); vaccinated and boosted. Her management team just got over it, all vaccinated, not sure about boosters.

The entire office staff at my son-in-law's office has been fighting it the past two weeks. My son-in-law got it again, but it's been over a year and a half since he had it (original virus), and he was barely sick the first time or this time. Everyone else in his office is vaxed, and they have all been sicker than he is. We're waiting to see if my daughter or the girls get it. The middle child is a little sick, not sure if COVID yet. Ironically, she got it when daddy gt it the first time.

The Omicron is jumping all over the vaccinated. Personally, I think it's because they didn't get it in the first or second waves, so they have no natural immunity. Not saying natural immunity will completely stop Omicron, but I think it's doing better than the vaccines. As I mentioned earlier, it's like it's going back and getting everyone it missed the first time. Thank God it isn't killing them! But it's time our government stopped the lies.
I acknowledge that the vaccines probably saved some lives for awhile.

But as most of you know, I dig into the numbers and research daily, and I see the real stats. With Delta, the vaccines were only marginally effective, might have kept some from getting as seriously ill. With Omicron, I doubt they are doing much of anything. The real numbers indicate that Omicron is now going back and getting the people who dodged the bullet with the original virus. Yes, an equitable trade, getting a mild virus instead of one that kills people. So I'm admitting that it likely bought us some time and saved lives. But point being, it's no longer working so well.

So the hysterical push for vaccine mandates and similar requirements are just not supported by the real science right now.

So people are asking why...why the government and big business continues to mandate what is not working so great now? And we deserve answers. Unless that many leaders and business execs are really this stupid, there's more at play here than protecting people's health.

And for the millionth time, why no official recognition of natural immunity? Europe and Israel accepts it, but our government does not.. I have listened to many qualified scientists and virologists who state natural immunity is real, yet the people who are supposed to know, Fauci and Walensky dodge questions about it.

It doesn't take a genus to see that something is wrong here. Just what kind of deal did our government make with Big Pharma? Or are our leaders getting rich off milking the vaccines for all they are worth?

Of the three in my office who got it; all three vaccinated, one recently boosted. The boosted one seemed to have the mildest case, maybe it helped a little.

"She who adores me's" boss has it right now (yes, "She who adores me was exposed too, but hasn't gotten it yet); vaccinated and boosted. Her management team just got over it, all vaccinated, not sure about boosters.

The entire office staff at my son-in-law's office has been fighting it the past two weeks. My son-in-law got it again, but it's been over a year and a half since he had it (original virus), and he was barely sick the first time or this time. Everyone else in his office is vaxxed, and they have all been sicker than he is. We're waiting to see if my daughter or the girls get it. The middle child is a little sick, not sure if COVID yet. Ironically, she got it when daddy got it the first time.

The Omicron is jumping all over the vaccinated. Personally, I think it's because they didn't get it in the first or second waves, so they have no natural immunity. Not saying natural immunity will completely stop Omicron, but I think it's doing better than the vaccines. As I mentioned earlier, it's like it's going back and getting everyone it missed the first time. Thank God it isn't killing them! But it's time our government stopped the lies.
Yep... I am grateful that we had a vaccine when Covid was the worst, so people like my mom who is healthy, but not robust, did not have to try and survive it.

I am thinking about starting to lick doorknobs. Might as well get this version and be done with it. It does beg the question, if it is mild how strong will immunity be? Of course our scientists have not spent any time on this. Why?

What we are seeing here is that the boosted and vaxxed are the ones getting sick. So far I don't know anyone who has been hospitalised, and it is a much shorter time to get better than the previous versions for vaxxed and unvaxxed.

Our County vaccination rate is so high here, there are not that many unvaxxed.

under 18 group are 29% vaxxed
8 to 29 year olds 75% are vaxxed
30 to 59 years are 91%
60 and up are about 99%.

So when we have 8600 a day getting covid... a higher percentage of vaxxed are sick than are unvaxxed.