It would seem that these lives don't matter

104 Shot, 14 Killed In Chicago Weekend Violence; Other ‘Defund The Police’ Target Cities See Major Gun Crime Incidents

Chicago is not alone in being both a target of anti-police agitators and a hotbed of violence. Minneapolis had a mass shooting over the weekend, which left 1 dead and at least 11 injured. Seattle, home to the “Capitol Hill Organized Protest,” or CHOP, also saw a deadly incident of gun violence late last week, followed by two more shootings over the weekend.
Where is the leadership of this country? Why isn't the right all over this blasting the airwaves/internet with "real news" not "fake news"? Have all the real men that used to run this country traded in their nuts for a Kotex? Let these bastions of leftist criminals implode from within. They are just killing others just like them or at least others who through failure to elect true leaders have brought these situations on themselves. These stories totally under mind the leftists who oppose the second amendment and blame everything on white corporate America. It disarms the BLM/Antifa bunch but yet the Republicans stick one finger up their back sides and one in their mouth and rotate every five minutes. Absolutely terrified they may lose a vote from people who are not going to vote for them anyway. Pathetic pansies from the top down.

There's a "shot clock" updated daily showing the crime rate in Chicago...It's pretty sad folks make a joke of the murder rate, but the politicians think it's somehow racist to say that 13% of the population causes 90% of the crime.