National Emergency?


aka "The Jackal"
Trump says he will declare a national emergency and use Pentagon funds to build the wall if Congress doesn't give him his $5b. I'm all for the wall, build that sucker. However I see an extremely suspect premise and a very slippery slope .
A very slippery slope. Obama's Executive Orders were bad enough. (and now Trump's)

I can see the Democratic President declaring Global warming a "National emergency" and a National Gas Tax implemented by fiat under the guise of "Carbon Credits"
Hmmm... interesting ideas...

IMO... whether Trump does the national emergency and builds the wall...
Would not really have much influence on whether or not a DEM would do 'anything' to get their agenda advanced...
It is just what polecats do...

Hey, I have an idea...
How about lets stick to the founding documents... as they were intended by the writers...
And NOT allow any polecats to do anything that does not fit that original intentions interpretation... :)
I’m not getting excited over it either way. I’m sitting back waiting to see how this issue and the overall shutdown plays out. I fully expect a miraculous compromise at one point.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the attempt to bypass Congress the new norm? Surely this isn’t the first we’ve heard of it. The same can be said of attempts at impeachment. It’s the new given.
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Constitutional scholars are fairly well divided on whether or not he could use some sort of "emergency power" to build a wall. This of course assumes that he can come up with a convincing emergency in the first place, which nearly everyone says would be a huge stretch. SCOTUS would not likely buy it whatever situation he comes up with as an emergency worthy of using exceptional powers. Finally, almost nobody believes there exists any emergency power available to the President that would give him the power of eminent domain within a state. This would be required to take land if he cannot negotiate a mutually acceptable selling price.

So, articulate a rational emergency-dubious at best

Find legal authority to use military funds to build the wall - maybe 50/50

Exercise eminent domain - almost certainly not.
He is as FOS as a Christmas Turkey. He is trying to pressure congress. You know, the art of the deal. I voted for him and I am all for border security but that is an over reach of executive power and very dangerous. He missed the boat on the wall the first two years of his term when he should have been able to get the votes in congress. A good politician would have gotten it done instead of worrying about Hillary and the media. I don't like politicians but when in Rome you have to play the game. A better house speaker would have got the votes. If he caves on the wall he is a lame duck until he loses in 2020. If he gets his way he is probably a two term tweeter.
There was a news story I read on Fox a few minutes ago that stated how known and suspected terrorists have been tracked in our hemisphere and how known and suspected terrorists have been arrested attempting to enter the country illegally at ports of entry and across the border. The border cannot be completely secured by current security measures, so no telling how many have made it into the country as has other illegal immigrants.

The argument can be made using facts from those reports, but that information will have to be declassified before presenting it to any court.