Need a little more Hwy assistance...

Thanks everyone. We are at 27 now :DN

I still don't know why it matters....but is sho-nuff can't hurt :))
I just liked it and that made 29. The next one is THE ONE...!!
Oh, thank the Lord. Y'all saved me from having to bite the bullet and get back on FB. ;)

GC, how many copies have you sold? Do they tell you that this early?
You all are GREAT! It's at 33 now! I don't know how many eBooks have sold. I'm thinking arounf 10 to 12 if the information I'm getting is accurate. I think the print eiditon will do better because I like "real books" better myself. Call me old fashioned....I duuno.

But thanks to everyone just the same. I only hope those who read it enjoy it half as much as I enjoyed writing it. For a total "unknown", it's very flattering that so many people are helping me get the book of the ground. I can't say thanks enough. :love
Grey Colson said:
'Code of Misconduct" now ranks as 51,423 :))
You should do a giveaway or contest of some sort! (Autographed copy of the book, something.) People will go "like" the page and "share" more often if they think they are going to get something. :))
I thought of something, GC. Do you know anybody who writes a blog of any sort? If so, get them to put a linky in it for your book. I read Glenn Reynolds at daily, and he often has links to books for authors who have requested that of him. He has a HUMONGOUS readership. Hey, all they can say is no. If I had a blog, I'd link it. ;)