Occutards plan to disrupt business/traffic at Lockheed...

Grey Colson

Staff member
The group known by the normal people of this world as "The Occutards", plan on marching on the north gate at Lockheed today (Saturday) at approximately 5 PM.

No one knows the purpose....no....not even them. Other than attempting to get on the evening news. Lockheed Security will barricade the entrances and have NO intention of allowing unauthorized persons inside the gates. CCPD and CCSO will also be present to keep the peace and or provide a moment of pause to anyone who decides to show their :neenerbutt.

Good. The more they show their idiocy, the more distaste people will get for the socialist liberal agenda in this country.

I see a lot of parallels between this and the hippie movement of the 60's.
This oughtta be fun. I predict about 3 good ol' boys will get out of their trucks, beat the occutards to a bloody pulp and go on into work without breaking a sweat. Sweet!
:laugh :laugh :laugh
