Prepare For "Springing Forward"?

Time Change ???

The state senate passed legislation to maintain standard time year round. The House passed one that keeps DST year round. I don't think we will see a change.

What's that quote from Apollo 13 when Gene Kranz is told that the CO2 cartridges on the LEM are round and the in the command module are square and won't interchange? Oh yeah.... “Tell me this isn’t a government operation,”
I heard them saying on the radio that there is a federal law that does not allow states to only use Daylight Standard Time as their preferred time all year, which is why you see states that stay Standard all year long. That law lets you stay standard, but not DST. It is a dumb law and needs to be changed, otherwise we are stuck the way we are unless we want Standard all year. I dont, i prefer more daylight later in the day.