Shaking my dang head!

Guard Dad

Staff member
A gal I went to school with....sweet lady but she worships at the throne of the donkey god.

Already started in on Facebook...must have gun control. I told her that the Texas church shooter was already not legally allowed to own a gun, and that all gun control would have done was to disarm the people who eventually stopped him.

Her response? An article about how white man rage is behind all this.

How has the left been able to completely brainwash so many people? What power do they have over so many people's minds that they throw logic and common sense to the wind and only believe the propaganda?

The ship is sinking fast!
The left has been able to brainwash people because those who follow are lazy, not wanting to take the time to research things for themselves. It's much easier for them to repeat what they hear and read from the liberal sites and accept it as the truth. Look at how "whataboutism" started being used by liberals. I saw on a liberal site shortly after Trump took office instructing their readers to accuse conservatives of "whataboutism" any time they bring up anything Clinton, Obama or any other elected Democrat has done that was wrong. We have seen that taken to heart by a few posters on another site.
I have decided that there is little or no help for some of these people. There is such a thing as a point of no return and I suspect about 47 % of the people in this country have reached it.
As usual, my friend was lied to by her leftist sources. She was told that the shooter yesterday legally obtained his gun.

Nope, he was illegally discharged from the military for child abuse and is prohibited from owning a gun under the Gun Control Act of 1968.

How'd that work out?

The piece of crap was stopped by a good citizen who grabbed his rifle.

So what would have been the real result of even more gun control in this case? It would have NOT prevented the shooter from obtaining a gun. But it might have kept the good guy from having a gun and stopping the shooter.

The left is often devoid of logic and common sense.
More coming out. Looks like the shooter had a long history of mental illness, even dating back to middle school. He was court marshaled in the Air Force for assaulting his wife and child.

Instead of gun control, we should be looking at why a man with this type of history was not under psychiatric care; not to mention legally allowed to buy a gun.
And how he was accepted into the Air Force in the first place.
And the AF's neglect in reporting his dishonorable discharge to the national database that would have locked him out of gun purchases from licensed dealers. Of course, he could have bought what he wanted off of Craigslist or wherever.

I've yet to see any complaints directed toward Obama, as this AF boondoggle happened on his "command".
He was also charged with animal abuse, being caught beating his dog with his fists, and then choke slamming it to the ground.

Yeah...gun control is the last thing that should be on the table. Good samaritans and armed citizens are why this waste of life is no longer wasting life. I only wish those men had been closer to the church.

This kind of thing is...again...why I carry in church. When I go.