She's a liar and a hypocrite

I have a suspicion....

Trump is baiting the left again... :D

When Trump is interested in resolving an issue... and is nice, and calm, and almost passive with folks...

I think it is guaranteed...
He has a plan...
And the opposition are gonna have a bucket full of eggs on their faces before it is all over!

Trump said over 1/3 of the women coming to the border and crossing were raped...
The fact checkers went running out there to prove him wrong...
Turns out the REAL number is more like 2/3...

Read that one of notorous lefty MSM channels was ready for a fact-checking party after Trumps speech...
Had to cancel it and go back to 'Russian Collusion'... as the facts were WORSE than what Trump said...
Again: OOOOooops...

Folks of all walks of life, even poelcats are saying: quit with the politics and just build the wall...
OOOoooops... (again)...

Trump is gonna get his wall...
Pardon me; America is gonna get her wall... (insert emoji of waving a flag)
IMO Trump is making absolutely SURE the left feels as much grief as possible over being obstructionists!
Which, IMO is really more than fair... given what the left has been doing since the morning after Hillary LOST!
A video of Nancy Pelosi from 2008, saying we need to secure the border to keep anymore from coming in.

This is a case in point demonstrating how the MSM supports the liberal agenda. Unbiased journalists would be pointing out the fact, and calling out politicians for once supporting stronger measures to eliminated illegal immigration, but no oppose them? "Ms. Pelosi, in 2005, you advocated for stronger security border security measures to eliminate illegal immigration. Today, you oppose building a wall and immigration reform that would not only curtail illegal immigration, but force illegals here now to self-deport. Why the change?" The same question to Shummer.
This is a case in point demonstrating how the MSM supports the liberal agenda. Unbiased journalists would be pointing out the fact, and calling out politicians for once supporting stronger measures to eliminate illegal immigration, but no oppose them? "Ms. Pelosi, in 2005, you advocated for stronger security border security measures to eliminate illegal immigration. Today, you oppose building a wall and immigration reform that would not only curtail illegal immigration, but force illegals here now to self-deport. Why the change?" The same question to Shummer.
Because dems shifted to embrace the large hispanic voting block that has occured from all the decades of illegal immigrants having children here who are now citizens and are voters. There could be another voter block the next wave of immigrants. Like Germany dealing with their current refugies.

Until we change the 14th amendment that birthright citizenship — the principle that every child born on US soil is automatically a native-born citizen, regardless of the immigration status of the parents- we will have the latest group of illegal immigrants and birth tourism babies who have the ability to:

Have access to the American Health Care
Free Entry and Exit in the USA
Unlimited Travel Possibilities to other nations
Sponsor the family as rightful sponsors of their parents or relatives’ green cards
Government Benefits
Apply for federal jobs
The right to vote
Read more:

Add to that the millennials who like to feign outrage for any perceived non socialists way of governing, you get the perfect storm to do a 180 on policy.

There was information floating around the internet a while back...
Suggesting the 14th amendment does NOT automatically grant citizenship to anchor babies...
It ism as usual, in how it is interpreted!

Which is why I keep saying 'interpret the founding documents as the founders intended' (not spin).

Note... in the third link above...
It would appear even the Russians understand our founding documents better than we do...
Now that is indeed SAD!!!