So, where is Jimma?

Grey Colson

Staff member
Where is Jimma Carter's "words of wisdom" about what is going on in Egypt?

He was ALL OVER the Iranian outbreak in '08, saying it was driven by anti-American sentiment. Where is that saggy faced weed puller now?
Oh, he weighed in on the crisis yesterday, allowin' as to how it was an earth-shattering crisis or some such. Besides, why we need Jimmah? We gots Jimmah II in the White House. :grindingteethandbangingheadonwall:
I shoulda knowed he couldn't keep his pie hole shut. A reasonable person would have retired in obscurity after leaving a legacy of incompetence, BUT NOOOOOOO!

You're right, Jimma "The Sequel" is serving the original Jimma's second term. >:D
Bahahahahaha.... Jimma Cahtah... bahahahaha....

Wait, what are we talking about? I don't pay any mind to Mistah Cahtah. I prefer to keep my blood pressure down... lol