The rest of the story...


Stunt Driver
Saturday afternoon, the Law Firm went on a tugboat tour of the River. This was set up by the President of the Company. According to the Captain, the crew had spent all day getting the tugboat ready. The Operations Manager was waiting for us when we got there.
I pulled into my regular parking spot and who should get out of my truck but the Corporate Daughter. I could tell he was absolutely stunned. They knew I was "connected" to a small degree but he wasn't expecting that. Later, the Operations Manager and the Captain was telling the Chief about how meticulous I was and that I never got rattled under fire.
I knew that the Company named all the tugboats after family members. Her tugboat (the Karen) operates out of Norfolk. The new tugboat in Savannah we went out on is named for her brother. I didn't know that until Saturday.
The Chief said "I'll bet they give you a wide berth from now on". I said I was curious to see the reaction to me later.