
That's exactly how I feel. Personally, I have gotten more flack in PC from other Christians who believe "their brand" of Christianity to be superior to mine than I have here from the Muslims. But that is only my personal experience. I know Christians who have been given a hard time by Muslims, Muslims who have been given a hard time by Christians, Jews who have been given a hard time by both, even the Amish get harassed. In every group of people - religious, geographical, political, racial - there are a few jerks who ruin it for everyone. Tolerance is not acceptance of anothers belief as truth, it's respecting their beliefs and giving them the room to believe as they will - and we have the right to expect the same in return. I actually feel the LEAST tollerant group is the one who yells about it the most, Athiests. Most religions (jerks excluded) will reach out in an effort to get along and find common beliefs they can all live with. Muslims believe in the Virgin Birth and that Jesus' teachings were Divine. Jewish beliefs were the foundation for Christian beliefs, so there's plenty they have in common and accept about each other. Even Muslims and Jews both believe in "the God of Abraham". Even Pagan beliefs will cross monotheistic beliefs on ideas of charity and peace. Each religion will admit to "believing" in small parts of other religions. The Atheist believes we are ALL wrong, and the only correct ideas are his own. Still, it is only a small minority who insist on say so - over and over and over. ;D
To me, tolerance means you do your thing, I'll do mine. No amount of me bumping my gums will convert you, nor will you bumping yours convince me. JMHO.