Tues Q\'s * Mar 15


Kattie E

1. What is the last thing you dreaded?

2. Do you like to break rules?

3. When was the last time you were on a skateboard?

4. Make your bed everyday?

5. What was in the last bottle you opened in your kitchen?

6. What is the first thing you want to do on a Saturday?

B. Today no one can _____________.
1. What is the last thing you dreaded? Participating in this 2-hr teleconference.

2. Do you like to break rules? Depends on the rules.

3. When was the last time you were on a skateboard? A long time ago.

4. Make your bed everyday? Yes

5. What was in the last bottle you opened in your kitchen? Water

6. What is the first thing you want to do on a Saturday? Wake up.

B. Today no one can make me mad.
1. What is the last thing you dreaded?
time change last weekend

2. Do you like to break rules?
not so much

3. When was the last time you were on a skateboard?
never lol

4. Make your bed everyday?

5. What was in the last bottle you opened in your kitchen?
Worcestershire sauce

6. What is the first thing you want to do on a Saturday?
linger over coffee

B. Today no one can do their job correctly :BH.
1. What is the last thing you dreaded?
Talking to the boss about maternity leave

2. Do you like to break rules?
Sometimes. I have always said it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission sometimes, lol.

3. When was the last time you were on a skateboard?
Sheesh, IDK, 20 years?
4. Make your bed everyday?
Heck no.

5. What was in the last bottle you opened in your kitchen?
Cranberry pomegranite juice.

6. What is the first thing you want to do on a Saturday?
Creep downstairs to get a cup of coffee and crawl back in bed with the laptop and watch the news.

B. Today no one can _____________.
1. What is the last thing you dreaded? Training new employess

2. Do you like to break rules? I plead ignorant, then break the rules

3. When was the last time you were on a skateboard? NEVER!!!

4. Make your bed everyday? nope

5. What was in the last bottle you opened in your kitchen? ketchup

6. What is the first thing you want to do on a Saturday? go for a bike ride

B. Today no one can __break my stride ___________.
Kattie E said:
1. What is the last thing you dreaded? Telling my husband how much a surveyor is going to cost.

2. Do you like to break rules? Aren't speed limits just a suggestion?

3. When was the last time you were on a skateboard? 2 mos ago

4. Make your bed everyday? Yea, like that's gonna happen.

5. What was in the last bottle you opened in your kitchen? Gatorade

6. What is the first thing you want to do on a Saturday? Wake up and get COFFEEEE

B. Today no one can __I'll come back to this__.
1. What is the last thing you dreaded?
Fixing my computer

2. Do you like to break rules?
Not really

3. When was the last time you were on a skateboard?
When I was a kid

4. Make your bed everyday?
Hah! No way
5. What was in the last bottle you opened in your kitchen?

6. What is the first thing you want to do on a Saturday?

B. Today no one can _____________.
Keep me from being happy
1. What is the last thing you dreaded? Another snow storm :eek:

2. Do you like to break rules? No. I'm a good boy ;D

3. When was the last time you were on a skateboard? It was that one year, just before going into the hospital

4. Make your bed everyday? Yes, but only half way on the weekends

5. What was in the last bottle you opened in your kitchen? Kraft Mayo

6. What is the first thing you want to do on a Saturday? Have my coffee

B. Today no one can Ride SlaPPy but Nanner. :slappy