Electric vehicles....

‘Excessive’ HOA blocks homeowner from charging a car in their own garage: ‘I’m worried this might be a months-long deal’​

I didn't read the article but I understand the HOA's concerns. When these EV batteries catch fire, it takes hours to put them out. The house is going to be a complete loss. I don't know how close these houses are in this community, but I've seen some where it looked like ten feet of distance between them.
I didn't read the article but I understand the HOA's concerns. When these EV batteries catch fire, it takes hours to put them out. The house is going to be a complete loss. I don't know how close these houses are in this community, but I've seen some where it looked like ten feet of distance between them.
Especially if it is a shared garage used by numerous home owners. What they will end up doing is building a separate garage for EV's, if they have the space and the money. Just one more thing that wasn't thought through.
I dunno..... they don't look that dangerous to me.


Stanford study warns against overnight charging of electric cars at home​


Stanford study warns against overnight charging of electric cars at home​

The reasons not to buy an EV are getting better.

Stanford study warns against overnight charging of electric cars at home​

in the summer, they won't want you charging during the day either, since the A/C loads are so high. So when should you charge?

Unless they use that as an excuse to make A/C shutdowns mandatory....

A Toyota EV drove 1,200 miles without stopping to charge thanks to electric roads with wireless charging​

Now think of the costs to make all our interstates and highways like this. Then there's the power grid to consider. It does make me think of the slot car set I had as a kid.
Now think of the costs to make all our interstates and highways like this. Then there's the power grid to consider. It does make me think of the slot car set I had as a kid.
The EMF from the electrical circuitry is also a concern. I am a firm believer that EMF and radio waves are a significant factor behind cancer.