Impeachment vote likely this week

Guard Dad

Staff member
Scuttlebutt is that the House will vote on impeachment later this week.

Anyone care to make predictions?

I predict that they will vote to impeach. Knowing how Nasty Nancy works, she is likely confident that she has the votes, and was before the hearings ever began.

I do think a handful of Democrats will vote against impeachment, but with a majority of about 36, they can stand to lose that many and still impeach. I expect one or two Republicans will also vote for impeachment.

Assuming impeachment does pass, I think we're going to see a considerable backlash against the Democrats for it.

I say it's a done deal, not a surprise and I have no reason to doubt that as the outcome in the House. I don't drink the Trump Kool-Aid but I will say the "impeachment" will not sway me from again voting for Trump in 2020, unless some new and surprising evidence comes to light during the Senate investigation. We, as a country, are much better off now than before Trump was in office. Removing him now will only risk an unnecessary reversal when we're within a year from the next General Election. I say let the voters decided again in November.
Good luck with that. Don't get me wrong, I hope the Senate does a fair and impartial investigation. If any impeachable offense can be substantiated then yes, we deserve to know. If it's based on hearsay, rumors, and political non-sense we deserve to know that too. Just do the job and get it over with so we can get back to our normal scheduled broadcast. I'm tired of it interrupting the 'View" and "The Rachel Maddox Show."
I look at it this way, let the house impeach him...let’s give them that battle. We all know it was a political stunt meant as a Hail Mary pass to save them in next year’s election. Great play, nice catch, we will not even throw a flag for celebrating. Kudos, congrats, and all the niceties deserved. Now let’s move on to the Senate and finalize this circus then win the War of 2020 (that actually has a nice ring to it).
I've been watching some of it today. It's all just a back and forth....I support impeachment....I don't support impeachment. It's really pointless.
He's officially impeached by the House, his acquittal in the Senate will be done sooner rather than later. Who wants to make a donation to Trump's 2020 re-election campaign?
I posted this on Facebook

Almost 80 years ago, a Japanese Admiral, after his fleet bombed Pearl Harbor, correctly stated "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve".

Tonight, this proud and loyal American says, I hope the Democrats have just awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a determined resolve.

My friends, remember what happened today in the House of Representatives when you go vote again.
Comments like this by Trump are not helpful. Why does he feel the need to make comments like this?
I didn't watch his rally last night because he says stuff like that. I can't understand why he feels the need to resort to such juvenile antics.
I have said from day one this guy is a spoiled classless jerk and he has proved it over and over. I would punch this guy in the face if I had to be around him any period of time. He cannot shut that stupid Yankee pie hole of his. I do not like him as a person. Having said this the whole impeachment vote is straight politics and a sad day for the United States. I voted for him and will again for the sake of the country.
Saw this on Facebook, and I think there is some truth to it.
