Russia & Ukraine...the drums of war are getting louder

Putin has been threatening some kind of major offense on the 24th of this month (Friday). Tuesday, Putin announced to his country he suspended the major nuclear arms training Russia had with the US. Will he be launching tactical nukes Friday?

I'm going "All-In" with a no, he absolutely will not launch anything of the sort on Friday. Lots of people want him to so they can justify the insane amount of money and equipment we've given to Ukraine while our country goes to crap. Lots of people hope he does something stupid to justify poking the Bear.

The rest of the question is will we send jets to Ukraine and will we continue to push for NATO membership for those former Easter Bloc countries bordering Russia. If we do then of course Putin will respond with extreme force.
That's probably over-optimistic.

But I suspect the world wouldn't be so close to war if Trump was still in office. Our current weak leadership is absolutel;y a huge factor in what's going on in the world right now.
I wouldn't be too sure of that. Russia has the support of China, Iran, and N. Korea. I have a feeling Turkey will leave NATO and side with Russia. They're way too friendly with them right now. Anyway, it's going to be a domino effect, and I think that's the plan if Trump was POTUS, it wouldn't prevent this from happening.
I wouldn't be too sure of that. Russia has the support of China, Iran, and N. Korea. I have a feeling Turkey will leave NATO and side with Russia. They're way too friendly with them right now. Anyway, it's going to be a domino effect, and I think that's the plan if Trump was POTUS, it wouldn't prevent this from happening.
Trump kept us relatively safe and generally out of harms way. We were respected regardless as to why. There is no denying it and no reason to think he wouldn’t do the same again.
From Trump on Telegram If you watch and understand the moves being made by Biden on Ukraine, he is systematically, but perhaps unknowingly, pushing us into what could soon be WORLD WAR III. How crazy is that?
I think most of Trumps predictions are spot on. So yes, this is not good. Biden is setting us up to continue in a proxy war.
As Biden declared:

'Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia,' Biden asserts after combative Putin speech​

It may not be today, but what we will probably see is that within the year WWIII will have started. Biden and our Politicians make LOTS of MONEY when the world is at war.
You know, if those idiots would just shut up and sneak in a bunch of jets from and with Polish recon flights,, Putin would not know they are there until it's too late. But they seem insistent on parading the damn things in, right past Putin accompanied by a brass band.