Russia & Ukraine...the drums of war are getting louder

Putin assumed taking Ukraine was going to be easy and inexpensive. It was neither of those. His army wasn't nearly as good as what his generals were claiming. His failure to take Ukraine has become an embarrassment to him. He didn't expect NATO countries to support Ukraine they have. Putin's threats of using nukes are not new. He has threatened to use them several times in this war with Ukraine. He knows if he uses nukes they will also be used against him.

I strongly suspect our military leadership is being used to target Russian assets across the war zone.
Ol' Joe is going to get us into WW3 sooner than we realize.
I personally feel it's closer than most people like to believe. If for no other reason to interrupt the election cycle but that's just one of many reasons.
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We still held elections during every war we were in.
Would folks be less likely to boot out a sitting president during war time? History says no wartime president has ever lost election. Truman did not run for re-election in 1952 during the Korean War and Lyndon Johnson did not run for re-election in 1968 during the Vietnam War. With that being said, would Biden get us into a war to keep from getting booted out of office? It wouldn't surprise me at all. In fact, nothing the democrat party does truly surprises me any more. Hold on to your family and your wallet because the old fossil is coming after them.