So any New Year Resolutions??


Rolling down the highway
You know the ones we'll probably break anyway. ;D

I really, really, really need to quit smoking.
naturegirl said:
You know the ones we'll probably break anyway. ;D

I really, really, really need to quit smoking.

Me too, but M says I'm so hot that'll prob never happen.
naturegirl said:
You know the ones we'll probably break anyway. ;D

I really, really, really need to quit smoking.
Tell me about it. I had about decided I was the only one left. Especially now that it is almost a criminal act.
For me, the stop smoking trick was to finally truly tie it to something that mattered. For me that was never wanted my son (daughter wasn't born yet) to ever in his life have the chance to think that I chose smokes over him. That was it. Never a puff again after that. Coming up on 7 years now.

As for New Year's Resolutions ... I don't do those. For me, when I'm ready to make a change I just do it. If you can come up with an idea for common resolutions, this is the time of year to make a flippin' fortune, though. :))
unionmom said:
For me, the stop smoking trick was to finally truly tie it to something that mattered. For me that was never wanted my son (daughter wasn't born yet) to ever in his life have the chance to think that I chose smokes over him. That was it. Never a puff again after that. Coming up on 7 years now.

As for New Year's Resolutions ... I don't do those. For me, when I'm ready to make a change I just do it. If you can come up with an idea for common resolutions, this is the time of year to make a flippin' fortune, though. :))

That's why I quit smoking; didn't want to demonstrate a bad habit to my daughter. I quit a few months before she was born; about 24 years now.

Actually, I quit a lot of bad habits for her. I took the whole "setting an example" thing very seriously.
Mine is to lose the last bit of baby weight. I go on and on about it, but I've not done anything about it physically. I watch what I eat and count my calories with the occasional splurge. I've never had to work too hard to keep it in check, but I'm gonna need some major help with this front butt BabyB left me with. LOL I've lost most of it, but I've got to get in shape.

So, that is my NY resolution. Oh, and to get back to my standard housekeeping. I hate my house being a wreck.
Max T3 will help you get there, MrsB. I'm chomping at the bit for my back to get better so that I can get back to my workouts.
To eat more and work out less!

Oh wait, you want New Year's resolutions not actually what happens?
I don't really do New year's resolutions, per se, because they are usually done for the wrong reasons and fail.

But I am intent on back up the diet and exercise to drop the last little bit of weight I wanna lose and pack on more muscle. I know it sounds crazy for an old fart, but I want to have a six pack this summer. I came close last summer, but I've put a few lbs back on over the holidays.
unionmom said:
Max T3 will help you get there, MrsB. I'm chomping at the bit for my back to get better so that I can get back to my workouts.
I'm going to start on the Wii Fit, lol, then I'll start the P90X we've had collecting dust since before I was pregnant. Haha
I don't make resolutions either cause I always break them. My schedule is so crazy that I never have time to focus on just one thing. When my mind is in the right place things I want to happen will happen.
Yea, well.........I thought you were talking about menopause so I just skipped over it. LOL

Seriously I must have passed over it in my quick clicking, it was very cute!!! :p
naturegirl said:
Yea, well.........I thought you were talking about menopause so I just skipped over it. LOL

Seriously I must have passed over it in my quick clicking, it was very cute!!! :p

Heeheeeheeee! I tickle myself sometimes. :))
Learn to play the piano and ease back into a daily exercise routine,
now I just need to find two extra hours per day to make it happen.
BBG and I started making better food choices right after Thanksgiving, but then I realized that we were fighting a losing battle. So we both decided that we would give ourselves through New Years to splurge and then after New Years, we are going to start back with the diet. We are committing to no meat meals about 2-3 times per week and once it warms up, we will have family walks on the trail.

For me personally, I am going to work on my organizational skills and my need to keep every little thing. I have been getting better at letting things that I don't really need go, but I still have a long ways to go. My sister amd brother-in-law are visiting for the a week the first part of Jan, but once they leave, I have these 2 big rubbermaid contaiers full of schoolwork and other papers that I plan on working through....hey, it's a start!