So I tried the omlets in the zip-lock bag thing....

RNG said:
naturegirl said:
Yea, we keep it boiling. I check it after about 5 or 6 minutes and squish it up again. Just want to be sure the eggs get good and done all the way through. We put our names on the outside with a sharpie so we know who's is who's. When you're feeding 20+ at a time, it sure helps. :)

They really do fluff up like an omelet, they're not like scrambled eggs. Much moister and no oil or butter is used at all. :)

they are fluffy. I loved them!!!

I'm sure they taste much better than the ones with melted plastic!! Ewww..........:)
This is a great idea I have done several times and works well. Give everyone a bag and let them put in what ingredients they want and name their bag. If anyone omlette for you! :eek: