Well, isn't that classy of her

It’s a far stretch to label Tump ignorant. He may be many things, including rude and socially unacceptable, but he’s far from ignorant. I would venture to say his lifelong accomplishments far exceed that of an ignorant person. Then again, that statement is relative. I wonder how many here or within our circles have matched in their endeavors.
He is absolutely ignorant, just not in all things. He is ignorant in trade and macroeconomics. He is ignorant in foreign relations. He is, I suppose a fairly good resort developer. His problem is not so much his ignorance as it is his inabiry to recognize the fact and listen and learn. If I'm sitting in a room of NASA scientists, I'm not going to tell them how to put a man on Mars. I absolutely ashure you, he would. A good leader listens with an open mind, asks questions, considers not only the information offered but the source, and then makes plans. Trump makes plans and then fires whomever disagrees with him.

We are all ignorant in many things, the key is realizing that and acknowledging when someone knows more than you do about the subject at hand. Just follow his Twitter and his ignorance on many subjects is apparent.
I agree, and I scratch my head at the people who say he's stupid. He's many things, but stupid or ignorant aren't among them.
Stupidity is ignorance taken to it's ultimate conclusion. His trade war is stupid and born of ignorance.

I look at Bush Jr and Iraq. The policy turned out to be wrong, but neither ignorant or stupid. He asked for the best council, he listened, he then planned, and he executed that plan in coordination with our allies. He did the best he could with the information he had and he had and considered the best information available from the best sources. They failed him.

Trump campaigned on a trade war. Every available credible source (except the crony CEO's in the steel industry) told him it was a bad idea. They told him why it was a bad idea. They laid out how many net jobs would be lost and how much it would effect the economy. They pointed to the auto industry as a bigger loser than the steel industry would win. He not only didn't consider their information, he derided them, some personally in public. So far those experts are pretty much right on target. That is entirely a different kind of wrong, and that is Trump's problem as a leader. That's ignorance turning into stupidity. Had he listened, his initial ignorance wouldn't have mattered. But his ego just wouldn't allow that.
I respect your view but just because we don’t agree or understand the reasons he makes certain decisions it doesn’t make him ignorant. Just for the record, I disagree with him in certain things too but let’s all admit no POTUS from either party will make decisions with which we all agree. I assure you, we survived 8 years of Obummer and we’ll survive 8 of Trump. At least it’s not Hillary.
I respect your view but just because we don’t agree or understand the reasons he makes certain decisions it doesn’t make him ignorant. Just for the record, I disagree with him in certain things too but let’s all admit no POTUS from either party will make decisions with which we all agree. I assure you, we survived 8 years of Obummer and we’ll survive 8 of Trump. At least it’s not Hillary.
We certainly disagree. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge and he demonstrates that every day. It's so prevalent some days it's astounding what comes out of his mouth.
Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. The word ignorant is an adjective that describes a person in the state of being unaware, and can describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard important information or facts, or individuals who are unaware of important information or facts.
Here is the way I see it...

We have someone in the POTUS Office that more or less believes in the principles the USA was founded on (interpreted the way the founders intended)... and wants to make America great again... The former occupant of the WH, spun everything to sound good, while he did a lot to destroy America.

IMO the 'smart' thing would be to put a clothespin on ones nose and support Trump while he is in office.
See how much we can get fixed during the 4 or 8 years... and how much of the destructive stuff the DEMS did... we can reverse!

Because there WILL be another liberal in the WH down the road... and they will do everything they can do destroy America... again.
So by moving the goal posts as far back to the right as we can... it will be that much harder for the next liberal idiot to move them any significant distance to the left.
IMO we really need to take advantage of what we can get done now...

Besides... how many folks will remember Trump 10-20 years after he is out of office???
I certainly will not care... as it will be time to either support a conservative in office... or roadblock a liberal.

What I am saying:
Quit with the personality politics...
And get back to issue politics.

On, one more thing:
On trade: Fixing BAD trade agreements is a good thing...
It takes short term pain to accomplish long term good.
Question in my mind: are we wise enough to understand that... or not???
Or too greedy to care???
We certainly disagree. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge and he demonstrates that every day. It's so prevalent some days it's astounding what comes out of his mouth.
I think much if what he says is actually bait and a conscious effort of misdirecton. He’s two years into his first of two terms and Rome hasn’t yet burned.
IMO... Trump knows who can be dealt with, who is his friend, and who is never gonna be one he can deal with.
In that latter category... the foes who will never work with you, ever...
IMO Trump goads them in a playful way... to keep them irritated.

It is proven that an angry person is not as capable as a cool headed person!!!

So would it not also be... that goading ones opponents to anger... would give you the advantage???

IMO folks should study polecats of yesteryears... the ones we have today are wimps compared to what they did in the 19th century...
